I Am a Documentary Maker | Teen Ink

I Am a Documentary Maker

January 6, 2016
By 6donovan GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
6donovan GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
15 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The airport, the train station, the bus stop, or even just my moms car are all very familiar places. Every year since I was born we’ve taken a trip, whether is be 20 or 4,000 miles away.I travel so much it’s ironic that I’m actually one of those teens with a card that hold all of my frequent flyer miles. I’ve seen new places and learned new things I would’ve never known existed. I’ve met many new people and heard their stories. I’ve even been lucky to reunited with some very special people. From one country to another....travel by day or at night.. I am a documentary maker.

Almost all of these journeys have been documented in some way. Mostly through photos, although as of recently a number have been documented through film. I love when I get to pick up a camera and capture the moment in either form. Remembering those trip, recalling all of those stories and things we did. I guess you could say I’m very adventurous and always ready for something new. I am a documentary maker.

My life has become a big adventure with me documenting every moment. The feeling of taking off in the plane is how I feel when I’m making a movie. The adrenaline running through my veins 

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