Tattoos | Teen Ink


January 5, 2016
By 53boyz SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
53boyz SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Everyone in my family has different tattoos- my tia, my tio, my hermana, and me.  My tia went with colorful, cute and sweet tattoos.  Dolphins jumping out of the water and playing in the island breeze on her calf.  My tio has a very sentimental tattoo.  On his shoulder it looks like a sun with his daughters name in it. However, it is actually representative of an egg fertilized by sperm in black and white.  My sister’s skin is still blank as sheet of computer paper. 

I am working on my tattoos.  They have been temporary and have faded.  I am working on a tattoo.  A tattoo is forever.  Forever a picture on your skin.

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