Personal Narrative | Teen Ink

Personal Narrative

January 8, 2016
By samvasile8 BRONZE, Auburn, New York
samvasile8 BRONZE, Auburn, New York
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I have been playing golf almost my whole life.  This is my second year of varsity golf.  On Tuesday September, 15th was my first varsity golf match. We played Woodcrest golf course in Fayette-ville Manlius. I was nervous and didn’t think I was going to play well, but once we started I started to feel more confident. I stayed focused and tried to make the nexts shots the best shots. I didn't think that my score would have counted for the win. So as the day went on I just played golf not think about what my score was. I was playing relatively well and didn't hit many bad shots. I tried not to think too much about my game because if I did that I would start to mess things up. My team mate that I was playing with wasn't playing up to his ability so I felt like I had to play better so we had a chance at winning. I wasn't sure what my score was when we were playing but I knew It was the best out of our group. FM is a very good team and I knew that the final scores would be a close one. The matches in the past have always been close because we're both good teams.  When I finished I handed my card in and went into the proshop to buy a water. When I walked out my team greeted me saying, "you won the match for us!" I was shocked when they told me and I was very happy. It was my first match and I had contributed more than I expected. What I learned from this experience is that every shot matters and to stay focused no matter what.  Golf is a mental game and if you don't stay focused you have to ability to put yourself in a position to have to take chances to have to score, this inevitably will lead to taking even more chances to succeed. Sometimes you just have to except the position you've put yourself in and make the most of it, then start over. In golf you'd like to shoot pars sometimes knowing bogey is the best you can do.

The author's comments:

I like to play golf

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