My Dream Job | Teen Ink

My Dream Job

February 9, 2016
By Anonymous

Have you ever seen the way computers and programs are made for your enjoyment? It is not the easiest thing to do, in fact computers are programed and coded by many people writing different pieces of codes and computer are designed by a group of peoples ideas. The hardest part is getting those ideas to come to life and work or operate the way people would intend to use them. Computer programming is my dream job because, it is easy for me to do, there is a high job demand, and the pay will fit a wealthy lifestyle.

Some people believe computer work is just an easy thing to do. Well they are wrong, unless you are some kind of psycho coder that knows all. Growing up I was always around technology which taught me a lot at a young age. I started with computers around 10 years old, but my main purpose for it was YouTube. Growing up I was also around different types of technology such as cell phones. I remember my first cell phone, I had in 4th grade, it was a little flip phone that my parents let me have for emergencies. By the age of 14 we had total three desktops, and five laptops in our house. There was always an option to use them and soon I became interested in how they work. Then I gained interest in computers.  started to teach myself the different codes within the computer to make different things. Around the age of 14 I taught myself HTML coding which is basic website design, I was able to code a decent web page and know what everything meant. Also with that around the age 15, I was able to code using PHP, HTML, and CSS. When I hit age 16 I could break down different code and know what it meant by just reading it. Would I know how to code it if I were to use it? No but just simply knowing web design and knowing the code that comes with it gave me the knowledge for all the other code. The basic concept of computer programming is just running code, making code, and testing code. Computer programming Is code on top of codes on top of codes to make everything run well and the way you want. You need your overlay design which is what the user sees, then you need the operating design which is the code. Different codes do different things and C++ is the one we will be using the most often. Within code there is diffrent types of code. Each code does different things and if you do not know the meaning to the code that you are using computer programming is not the choice for you. HTML, CSS, and PHP are web page and database designing programs. These programs allow you to link web pages to databases to help you run a business or whatever you are running efficiently. Javascripts is both a mixture it helps with software and it could help with web pages depending on what you need done. VB and C++ are both similar code and are both used for software design which as a computer programmer you’ll need to know a lot of this. Computer programmings main purpose is to develop software and make it run your the creator along with a team of others, sometimes it will not be that though most computer programmers work alone which you must be ready for if you are planning on being a wealthy person.

Some things to take into consideration that makes it a good dream job, the acceptance rate. Computer programmers have a high demand rate. In the united states the acceptance rate is 8.8% ("Summary.") which means they are a lot of computer programmers needed and it's hard to get into that career. Now let us compare it to a more common state you could be working in. Minnesota's demand rate for computer programmers is -2.2% ("Summary.") meaning there are a lot more programmers than needed but looking at the future and what will be coming out that percent will get better and better over time. Future technology such as cell phones, laptops, and different devices such as drones, will need people to build the software for these items to work well and efficiently. If there is nobody to mechanically program the component together the device will not run correctly.  If the future is predicting all these items coming out big or small what do you think that will do for the demand? The demand for the job title will rocket up in need, even though the demand for the title has always been there it will be needed even more when the new items come out such as a highly advanced and well working drone.

The pay for an average computer programmer will fit a wealthy lifestyle. The average pay for computer programmers in the united states is $77,000. For one person with taxes taken off let's say you are making for example a stable $60,000 a year. The $60,000 will go towards so many things and if you plan it out correct you can have a nice home and once you get a secondary income such as a girlfriend or wife you could be advancing homes and moving up on your wealth bracket. Now that we looked at the average income of computer programmers in the US let's narrow it down a bit and look at the average pay in Minnesota. The average pay in Minnesota is $80,000 ("15-1131 Computer Programmers."), take tax off we will say for example a stable $70,000. That $10,000 more than the US even though in New Mexico the average pay is $100,000 ("15-1131 Computer Programmers."), but you could make a really good living by yourself with $70,000 yearly. Also as you move up in the brackets you could end up getting a higher tier job and make around $125,000 ("What's wrong...") which is what lots of programmers are making in today's society. As a computer programmer you’ll need different tools, such as adobe creative cloud, Microsoft VS, well high speed Internet, and a pretty nice computer. These programs all cost lots of money and If you do not have the income to support it you’ll end up failing at the income part of your life. Different needs as a human, food, water, shelter, and clothing are the four basic needs. At least that's what we learned as a kid in  an economics class, but this is a generation we will be needing cell phones, computers and updated technology. The new generation is here and technology is only getting smaller in size and larger in amounts plus the price of some of the new technology is ridiculous, and you’ll need some of this advanced technology for schooling and in your everyday life as a computer programmer just wait.

So now you can see as my dream job I chose computer programming because, it's easy for me to do due to my growing up knowledge with computers, it has a high job demand and it's not going to get any lower due to all the technology we are distributing.Finally the pay for computer science is enough to meet a wealthy living status. Now that you know all this about computer programming I hope you now know it's not as easy as it seems to be from other's point of views.

The author's comments:

It's cool

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