A World Within a World | Teen Ink

A World Within a World

February 20, 2016
By Rhia3 SILVER, Novato, California
Rhia3 SILVER, Novato, California
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Hiding. It is dark in the closet. The pair of boots I am crouched on smell leathery and musty. The coats enshrining my head and shoulders feel cozy almost, a soothing cocoon around me. I am not calm. Every breath in my body fights the urge to explode, to collapse in a pile of giggles and the kind of laughter that foams out of you uncontrollably, unendingly. But sshhh! I must be quiet, I must be. Each inhale is made in a shallow breath, a painstaking effort not to be heard. Time slows, swimming lazily like a jellyfish in the sea. I keep breathing, slowly, quietly. I hear footsteps in the room without. My breath  ceases entirely, one last attempt to safeguard my seclusion in the closet, a hidden world of four tiny walls within a bigger world. A world within a world. The door bursts open. “Found you!”, My sister shouts gleefully. I smile with her happily. It is now my turn to seek.

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