Aunt Mo | Teen Ink

Aunt Mo

March 18, 2016
By creAtiVe31 BRONZE, Skokie, Illinois
creAtiVe31 BRONZE, Skokie, Illinois
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I remember the first time I spoke with her. Upon meeting her, I only saw a stranger. I mean, who else would she be? I only glanced at her and looked away, not knowing I just met one of the most important people in my life.

My first encounter with her happened due to my mother and her persistence for me to always meet new people. My mother called me over to the foyer and I walked timidly behind her. My eyes trailed to a tall and beautiful woman, a stranger to whom I greeted with a small “hello”. The short-haired woman smiled at me warmly and I felt a sense of relief. I smiled back, but only meekly. My mother began to introduce us, but my old grandfather called her to the kitchen. Too afraid to confront her myself, I left and continued my day.
As the sky darkened and the frosty air blew, I finally decided to find out why the woman came over to my grandfather’s house. I walked to my mother and lightly tapped her shoulder. “Mom, who is she?” I looked at the woman, unsure what to think about her. My mother faced me and said the most unexpected words, “She’s your uncle’s girlfriend,” and I grinned wildly.

I arranged my thoughts and questions, ready to speak with the mysterious woman. When I approached her, I sat down and began, like any other curious child, with questions about their relationship. She spoke like an open book, ready to converse with the child who sat face to face with her. Soon, she asked the questions and I remember talking about one of my favorite TV shows at the time. We discussed our similarities with the characters and our favorites. After a while, I mustered enough courage to suggest a game and to my surprise, she said yes. 

Delight bubbled within me and I tried to contain my eagerness and smile. I never expected someone to hold so much patience with a child. Our game time ended once the clock struck 1:00 AM. My uncle and his girlfriend lived in Maryland and needed to catch a flight early in the morning. I felt saddened by the fact my newly found friend needed to leave. I wanted to either stay or go with them, but of course, neither proved possible; thus led to my disappointment. When they left, I followed afterwards.

The years went by as my family visited my uncle and his girlfriend in Maryland and in return, they visited us here in Illinois. I remember playing word games with her, rarely winning, but making unforgettable cherishful memories. I found these simple days, the ones I loved most.

A memory I keep close about her, floods me with joy each time I think about it. Once learning the news, my whole day brightened. My mom grouped everyone in our home and delivered the exciting announcement, “Your uncle is getting married in March!” I wanted to see them as soon as possible and I planned everything in mind, accordingly.

Seeing them again sparked up long conversations with congratulations. My mom, always the one with big ideas, already outlined a few plans for the wedding.

Delight coursed through me with everything going on. But happy days never seem to last. This day approached like a wrecking ball. All the happiness and talk about wedding plans diminished into sweet nothing. Nothing prepared me for the news. Everything made no sense. Hope tried to find its way into me everyday. But half my mind detached itself; nothing came to me as of how to think of the whole ordeal. My mother informed me that my uncle’s girlfriend just vanished. What was I supposed to think?

My uncle’s brother constantly updated us on the ongoing investigation. I knew how broken my uncle felt, and I felt it too. We both loved her in our own ways. Three days passed without any update. Or, so I thought. I truly hoped what I heard, deemed false. The words sinking in like a bad, terrible dream. But everything I needed to know, hid in plain sight, tearing me to shreds. My soul detached from my body.

A sentence I never expected to hear, reached my ears.. “Liana... she’s dead...” Death took her, took her away from us. From ME. And someone killed her.

My days filled with dread and the feeling gnawed inside of me. I remember the wake and silently crying, and once I saw my uncle, I completely fell apart. The days grew impossibly difficult for all of us. I sat with my uncle, recollecting the days in silence. The thought of the soon-to-be happy marriage made it harder for me to accept the truth; but the truth hurts, right?

She played a loving part in my life as my friend and inspirer; someone from my childhood who claims a special in my heart. My life continues without her, but time never lessens my love for her. I take a few minutes out of my day to remember her. Talking about her tears me to pieces, but remembering her mends me together. Seeing her exemplifies the inevitable. I forever hold a place for her in my heart; a part of me proving itself irreplaceable. She taught me the good things in life and motivated me to chase my dreams.

Mo, my uncle’s lover, my soon-to-be-aunt, and my best friend. I feel determined to never forget her. I love you, Aunt Mo.

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