Don't Do It Again | Teen Ink

Don't Do It Again

March 21, 2016
By Anonymous

I’m afraid of it happening again. Paranoid, scared everything changed. Walking to school, going to the store, going out doesn’t feel the same anymore. Constant fear of it happening again. One man, one evening, one time changed my life in an instant. Now, some time has passed, so why does it still affect me? It wasn’t just one man or just me or just one time. Thousands of girls and boys have gone through it, some even worse than others. The sad thing is that this is still going on and it will never stop. Some perpetrators may be captured, but thousands are still out there doing it over and over again. Any corner, any time, any where it can happen again and it will.
“Go out and have fun” people say, and we do. Even though we live with that never ending fear, and it will never go away. Time may pass, but that fear will always stay; memories will rush back, and there’s nothing we can do about it. To the people who have experienced this, stay strong. To the people who keep doing it over and over again, think how you’re ruining people’s lives and the people around them. Don’t do it again. To the person who did it to me, don’t worry I don’t hate you but don’t do it again, because if you do, you will ruin another girl’s life.

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