The Cruise | Teen Ink

The Cruise

March 30, 2016
By fsm15 BRONZE, Jenison, Michigan
fsm15 BRONZE, Jenison, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

When I was about 4 my family and I went on a cruise. I can't really remember where we went because you know, I was only 4. The events of this cruise were pretty interesting, and by interesting I mean mainly embarrassing.

You know how when you go on a cruise they do those life jacket safety procedures? Well apparently I hated life jackets when I was little because after the ¨instructor¨ forced my parents to put one on me when they refused to, I started screaming bloody murder. No one near us could even hear the captain. The instructor ran back to us and shouted ¨Fine, fine just take it off of her!¨

Since I was only around 4 years old, I was just learning how to swim. I had just eaten lunch before I went swimming and I swallowed a ton of salt water. I ended up throwing up in the pool and they had to shut it down! Everyone on the boat already hated me because of the life jacket incident and getting the pool shut down was just the cherry on top.

And finally, to top it all off, on the plane back home I peed my pants. But since our luggage was wherever they take luggage, I didn't have any extra clothes! I had to wear my sisters tank top as a dress the rest of the way back.

It was a pretty rough trip and mostly embarrassing but it makes for a good story.

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