Broken Pieces | Teen Ink

Broken Pieces

March 31, 2016
By letterpainter BRONZE, Cote-St-Luc, Other
letterpainter BRONZE, Cote-St-Luc, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The room was dark; you plugged in your ear phones and blasted a sad love song. Your tears started rolling out one by one, and soon your face was wet. You had a bad ache. Your heart was hurting, and no doctor could help. The pain was rough. It felt as if you were destroyed, your bones were falling apart one by one. You were replaying what just happened a moment ago. After a while, you realized that you couldn’t stop you tears from rolling down your cheeks but it didn’t matter because your pillow was already drowned in salted drops. Then, it hit you. He left you.

You suddenly stopped crying; you got off your bed and went to the kitchen to get a glass of water. As you were opening the cupboard you saw the cup, he gave you on your one year anniversary. You ignored as if you didn’t notice it. You started pouring water into a glass, and you peeked with the corner of your eye at this meaningful cup he gave you. Your heart dropped, the glass slipped out of your hands. You slipped down the wall and sat over the little pieces of glass and the puddle that you had created just now. The tears started rolling once again.

Even though this happened a few months ago, the pain is still engraved in your heart. And the feeling of loneliness is still living inside of you...

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