This I Believe | Teen Ink

This I Believe

April 4, 2016
By englishyoana BRONZE, Corpus Christi, Texas
englishyoana BRONZE, Corpus Christi, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I believe that good things come to those who work. If you work hard you will get what you have earned.

For example, when college students stay up all night studying for a major exam, SAT, ACT or studying for homework. They do all that studying to get a good grade for their class or test to graduate. Usually when students do that they get what they have earned. Approximating if most college students get all A’s or A’s and B’s they might even their major, degree, PhD or bachelor. College students work extremely hard to get what they want.

In addition, I try to work hard to pass at school. I study a lot. I take a lot of notes. I do my homework and study when I am told that there will be a quiz or test. The good thing that I get is a passing grade.

In conclusion, if you work hard enough, good things will come and you will get what you’ve earned.

The author's comments:

i experienced getting grades in my math, english and world geography class.

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