The Alphabet | Teen Ink

The Alphabet

April 18, 2016
By Cole33 BRONZE, Muskegon, Michigan
Cole33 BRONZE, Muskegon, Michigan
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Animals- I love animals, they are just like humans but they aren’t. My favorite animal is a polar bear but I am pretty sure they are mean. Dogs are the best type of animal pets in my opinion because you can do so much with them.

Baseball- Baseball is my main sport other than hockey. I love the game of baseball. The thought of making the big play in the field or getting the big hit for the team just feels amazing. And also playing for the only thing everyone wants, a ring.

Cousins- My cousins are a huge part in my life. They will always be there for me and I love them. They are like the best family members and best friends. My cousins in my family are all so close and around the same age too.

Dogs- Dogs are amazing and so lovable. They play with you and cuddle with you. They will always love you no matter what. There is no way you cannot love a dog in my opinion. They also make a great best friend.

Eavesdroppers- Eavesdroppers bug me because they always butt into people’s conversations. I can’t say I have never done it either but oh well. It really isn’t the best thing to do but I guess it is whatever.

Friends- Friends are awesome in so many different ways. You can always have someone to talk to if you need it. Also if you are bored just hit up your friends and they would probably want to do something with you.

Goal scoring- In hockey I love to score goals or set up on of my teammates to score a goal. The feeling of being on the ice when a goal has been scored is such an amazing feeling. You have also beat the other line that is out there against you at that time and that is great.

Hockey- Hockey is all around a beautiful game. Skating, hitting, passing, shooting is so much fun. To me hockey has no downfall and is the best game out there. It is so high paced and you have to be ready at all times.
Intelligence- Some people are smarter than others and that is okay. There are book smart people and then there are street smart people and some are just both book smart and also street smart. Some people are just naturally smart and others have to work really hard at being smart.

Janitor- I would never want to be a janitor. I feel like that would be the worse job, not fun at all. That is an inspiration to go to college. PIcking up trash and cleaning all the dirty stuff would just be awful in my opinion and I don’t want that to happen to me.

Killing- Killing is a super bad thing to do. There has been a lot of killing going around recently and it is terrible. Killing people is bad but killing animals is not so bad. Like shooting deer to me is not a bad thing or like rabbits or certain kind of birds.

Lemonade- Lemonade is so delicious. When it is a hot summer day and you are thirsty, lemonade is a great thing to drink. I remember when I was little and I had a lemonade sale with my friends and it was so much fun.

Mom- I love my mom so much. She is the best and does everything for me. She will do anything for me too and I am so grateful for that. My mom loves me a lot and I try to repay her in any way.

Nights- The stars in the nights are so awesome. When it is just starry and there are a bunch of stars that is so cool. The sky looks so cool and I love it. It is also fun to find different constellations.

Octopus- Octopuses well I have literally no idea what they are like, I do not know anything about them but I would like to learn about them. Maybe I will look them up and find information about them.

Pencils- Pencils are a huge part of school in my opinion. If you do not have a pencil then you are not able to write. I hate writing in pen so I only like to use a pencil, but I always lose my pencils so I have to ask people all the time.
Rats- Rats are really nasty and everyone hates them. They are just little sick rodents and should not be here. They do not really bug me though because I have not had a problem with them before but still.

Sisters- I have two sisters and I may not show that I like them a lot, but I do. I have to like them a lot and they like me a lot. They would do anything for me and they do not care because they care a lot about me.

Todd- Todd is my dad and I love him so much. He is the best dad anyone could ask for. He would literally do anything for me and not complain and he is a huge inspiration to my life.

Umbrellas- Umbrellas are such a creative and good invention. They also come in many different sizes and different designs. They are awesome because they keep you dry and I hate the rain.

Vikings- Vikings are kinda cool even though  I do not know much about them I still think they are cool. How they dressed and acted I think it is kinda interesting. Even though what I know about them may not be true.

Water- Water is a huge part of people’s life. You need water to survive and it keeps you healthy and hydrated. Without water a lot of people would not be here. Also water can be fun because we can go and swim at the beach or pool.

Xavier- When I say xavier I am talking about the school xavier. I know about the school because I have seen them play basketball on television and they are not half bad. I am also pretty sure that they are a really good school.

Yoyo- Yoyo’s are a fun little ball that goes up and down and string. I do not know if they are still popular right now but they use to be popular back when I was little and they were really fun.

ZigZag- Zig Zag lines are fun to draw in my opinion. They are fun to draw because they look cool when you are done drawing. You could also make a maze by drawing zig zag lines and mazes are fun to work with.  

The author's comments:

It is my personal expirence and I have a word for every letter in the alphabet

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