Untitled | Teen Ink


April 20, 2016
By LHenzlik GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
LHenzlik GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
19 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Everyone in our family has different style. My mom’s style is like a Sunday afternoon. It is the sound of rain lightly tapping against your window, calm and comfortable. And me, my style is energetic. It’s always changing between slimming or sloppy. Taylor’s style is like a night out at the club. It’s sleek but daring. She takes hours to pick an outfit. Jordan’s style is lazy--loose and light. And Brittany, who is the oldest, has a style like a million dollars.
But my dad’s style, my dad’s style, is like an award ceremony, hearing your name as you walk up to get your award. It’s dressy and designer, friendly and inviting, embroidered and edgy. It’s the feeling you get when you win the lottery. It is the smell of sunscreen and fresh watermelon on a nice sunny day, the sun hugging you with warmth as you lay, listening to your favorite song. The warmth, the sun, and Dad’s style that smells like sunscreen and fresh watermelon.

The author's comments:

this is about the different types of style in my family

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