July 9 | Teen Ink

July 9

May 5, 2016
By DLambros BRONZE, Glen Arm, Maryland
DLambros BRONZE, Glen Arm, Maryland
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Fifteen years ago, my life changed forever. It started out as an average day for a kid like me; enjoying a nice day at our pool with family and friends. At a young age it seemed I was oblivious to everything. Everything; except the tears running down my mommy’s face. I began asking questions and worrying why my mommy seemed so hurt, until my older cousin distracted me. As from what I can remember the day continued on as a normal day and it wasn’t until years later that I connected the dots. The day of my second birthday turned out to be the worst day of my life. The blurs of memories that I still have recollect the moment of when the cops arrived in our driveway to relay the message that my dad was involved in a fatal accident. It became more clear to me on why he never returned home that day, or ever. From that day on I always felt the need to demonstrate that I was an exceptional student and prove to everyone that I could succeed and do big things. I figured if my dad wasn’t here to share milestones in my life with me I had to show him the good things I could to make him proud; I could never give up or sell myself short. On and off the field I always have a motivation to push further and work harder. All for my Dad.

The author's comments:

This piece is a personal, quick reflection of how one moment impacted my  life forever. There is always a silver-lineing and it is my responisibility to keep that in mind when I think of my dads accident. 

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