Asking a girl out | Teen Ink

Asking a girl out

May 18, 2016
By Anonymous

Have you ever tried to ask someone out? It is the work of nightmares to go up to someone who you care so much for, spill out your heart and possibly get shot down. So much can go wrong when you try to ask out your special someone. For me it just so happens that my face heats up to about 104 degrees and my face turns a nice shade of red that goes in between tomato and fire truck. I don’t understand why some girls expect to get asked out. Some people are just not made to be social butterflies and you expect them to automatically just go over and be spontaneous? If all girls needed this I would be weeded out from society by natural selection alone. Just getting over that first step, Level one, whatever you call it is hard enough. It’s already bad that I can’t stop thinking about a girl I like, I can’t talk to them without being a total awkward idiot. I wish I could meet the girl that didn’t need to be carried away on a white stallion while they make out with prince charming.

The author's comments:

I feel like I needed a way to tell my feelings to people so I can get it off of my chest.

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