Tears | Teen Ink


May 26, 2016
By Rach7 GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
Rach7 GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
15 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I have never met another human being who cries as much as I do......well maybe my family.  It doesn't take much for us to blubber up and need a big box of those soft tissues.  But all of our cries have lead us to where we are now. 

My sister cries terrifying tears of frustration, like a rushing river they flow down her sweet face.  Having to deal with many medical problems, her tears have lead her to be as strong as she is.

My brother’s manly little tears are quiet, quiet and sweet, like a soft rain on a cool day.  His tears show his emotion, which isn't easy for a 14- year old.  But it has made him more emotional and loving, those manly tears are helping him to develop into a good man.  

My dad’s tears are humorous and sincere.   Always the center of attention, like a performer on stage, always looking for a laugh.   His tears, which are usually followed by a pig-like snort,  are meaningful.   Whether they are from making himself laugh or hearing a touching story, they have meaning and a purpose.  Which has allowed him to be the glue to hold our family so close, and make us so strong.

My mom and I have the same sweet tears. Tears like a leaky faucet, slow but always there until it’s fixed.  But these come from our love and family values.  We always have each others back and know that family comes first.   This has led both of us to career paths in nursing homes because we want to be like family to these elders, who had to leave their home.  Our tears have led us to be best friends, which allows us to be our best selves.

Most people I know hate tears and emotion, but we thrive on it.  My family is like play dough, shaped by our tears.  It has made us who we are, not only as an individual, but as a family.  A family whose love is as strong as our many many tears.

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