I'm a 30 Odd 6 | Teen Ink

I'm a 30 Odd 6

May 26, 2016
By KP2016 GOLD, Delafield, Wisconsin
KP2016 GOLD, Delafield, Wisconsin
16 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Do you want to hunt with me this year,” asked my dad. I was exhilarated from his question because I’ve always wanted too. The following week he showed me the 30 odd 6 rifle he bought for me. It was perfect.

My dad and I went to the shooting range to practice shooting my new gun. (It was frightening at first because of the recoil of the 30 odd 6). The first time at the shooting range I was learning. But every time we went I improved.

Finally, it was time to get ready for my first opening weekend of hunting. My dad had me wear old hunting clothes, that were huge on me! (I looked like a big orange pumpkin). We packed our luggage and headed up north on that Friday.

The worst part of hunting is getting up at 3:30 in the morning. And then going out in the freezing cold just to sit in the woods all day. But I knew this process was worth it to have the satisfaction of shooting a deer.

My first year hunting was in eighth grade. I hunted the next four years and saw no deer. Even though I didn’t shot any deer for four years, I remained optimistic and determined.

For the 2015 hunting season my dad decided to lease land. We were unsure whether this a good decision or not. However, at 8 a.m on opening day I saw a buck and shot it with my 30 odd 6.It finally happened, I could not believe it.

After five years of hunting I finally shot a deer. The picture of myself, the buck, and my 30 odd 6 represents my life. I’m determined no matter the circumstances to keep trying and to improve myself. I keep firing no matter what. My 30 odd 6 and I kept going back to the shooting range and the woods year after year and never stopped trying.

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