Waiting Until the Last Minute | Teen Ink

Waiting Until the Last Minute

September 23, 2016
By chethao_ BRONZE, Sacramento, California
chethao_ BRONZE, Sacramento, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
" Im not stupid, Im just to lazy to show you how smart i am "

I know that guessing and waiting for the last minute was bad but I didn't know it would be this bad. I didn’t care about my grade during that time I like to guess a lot on quiz and test which never end up being good. I was to lazy to study and just wanna have fun. I never pay attention in class which made it even harder for myself to learn. I don’t even care about my grade because I thought that it will have nothing to do in life until I started High school. I’ve learn that grade matter more than anything. So here my story when I was in Middle school.

I walk into my math class with my friend Alex.
“ Hey did you study for the quiz were having? “
“ We have a quiz?! “ i said
“ I study all night yesterday and I have a good feeling about this “
“ Ugh I  forgot about the quiz i’m gonna fail this “
I was afraid and feeling negative about it, but I always guess on a quiz so I was thinking why won’t I guess on this one too.

I sit on my seat near the window and putting my head down on the desk. I thought to myself we have 5 more minute until the bell ring so why don't I just study, but than i was to lazy and decide to take a rest. I tried to move my chair near my friend desk so i could try to copy off her paper but it didn't work.

The teacher walk in with textbook and bunch of paper on her hand. “ Okay everyone listen up we're having a quiz today please do a good job on this Quiz it worth 80% of your grade “. She being to move people around so no one could copy each other.

“ Remember cover your answer you don't want anyone to see ” she say as she pass out the paper. “ No rush you guy have the whole period for this quiz take your time and you may start.’

“ Mrs.Smith can we use our notes for this quiz? “ say John waving his not up in the air.
“ Yes you could use the notes that we took for this unit out”

I look around me and everyone already start doing the quiz. I take a good look at the paper and realize that I actually know how to do some of these. I begin with the one I know only and it start to get harder.

“ Ugh I should’ve study this it would be a lot easier “ I mumble under my breath as I look at the classroom and back at my paper. I felt scared. “ 80% is a lot and I didn’t even study for this? ” I say it to myself. I look at my notes. This is such a bad notes. I start to get mad at myself but I try to keep my cool.
Instead for trying to do the hard question I was playing around with my hand and daydreaming or looking out the windows. I could hear noise such as people flipping their paper to the next page while I'm still on my first page.

I look over to the windows hoping to kill time I was to tired and did not even sleep enough because I was to caught up on my anime. I could see the light from the city it was really beautiful. The time was 8 am the sun was just starting to rise.

“ My brain can't work in the morning I hate math” I say this to myself while banging my head on the table. “ Help me!!!! “

I try to ask my teacher for help but she look so busy but even if she teach me this I wouldn't even get it so why should I bother. I was doing so small drawing on my scrap sheet of paper and then went back to the quiz.

I wish this was over so bad. I look back at the windows. See the pretty light. I hear someone walking I look over and saw Ong standing up walking over to the teacher. As she walk back to her seat, “ you're done already? “ I said. She nod her head. I look at the time and realize I have kill time to much and now I only have a few minutes.

Kids begin to turn their quiz in and for my I was hitting my pencil with my head. I start to guess and rush. Which answer I got I will just circle the one that is the close answer.

When I get to the last few page the bell ring she I bubble all the answer because I did not want to come in at lunch to do it. I turn my paper in and rush out the door. I was so happy.

On Monday we walk back to class.
“ I'm so happy I can't wait to have my quiz back! “ said Alex happily.
“ Niceeee not all of us wanna have our quiz back “ I said while I roll my eyes at him. He know that I didn't study and was making fun of me.

Mrs.Smith walk into the room with paper on her hand. “ Morning class so I grade your test. I notice that not much of you guy study which is really disappointed” she said. I notice that I'm one of them. She pass back out our quiz. She walk up to me with my paper being flip over. “Oh that a bad sign” as I say it to myself. I took the paper and look at my grade. “ WOW!!!! I DID HELLA BAD “ I said in my head. On the side of the paper it say see me at lunch today. I turn my paper back so no one could see my grade.

Mrs.Smith went over the quiz that most of us got wrong. If I remember I got about 10/30. My mom will kill me if she saw this.

After class I went to see her. She ask me if I understand anything that we’ve been going this whole time.

“ No because i sit too far from the board and i couldn't take good notes “
“ okay here what i will do tomorrow i'll be moving seat so you can move up closer and beside  you’ll be retaking your quiz with Mrs.King “

That lunch time i spent with Mrs.smith so i could pass my quiz i hated so much but i try to listen to her as much as i could. The next morning i went to school early to see her so she could help me even at lunch to. 7 period i was retaking my quiz with Mrs.King.

“ if you need my help always raise your hand and i'll be there “
“ Ok “

I raise my hand everytime when i stuck on an answer she come and help me i did feel happy about it. She took my quiz and give it to Mrs.Smith. The good new is that i pass.

I learn that you will never get anything done by being lazy, not asking question, and waiting for the last minute. Also rushing is not the answer to having a good grade or anything you will just get yourself into a trouble place. I did got my ipod taken away and will always will if i ever fail a test or quiz.

The author's comments:

That you should not wait for the last mintue to do anything because it will never work out like what you think it is.

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