Friends | Teen Ink


October 18, 2016
By Anonymous

Friends, best friends and family are a necessity in a person's life. And when losing one of them it will tear you apart, inside and out.  The girl with the red hair was/has been my best friend since the 6th grade. We played sports, hung out everyday and really did everything together. We had the friendship that everyone wanted. The kind of friendship where you could trust one another, and be able to get through thick and thin.
Everyday since the 6th grade we told each other everything. Countless secrets and gossip that we shared together .  But until one day everything started changing for the worst.
My best friend no longer trusted me. She no longer wanted to tell me secrets, or even talk to me. She was slowly starting to drift away . We sat by each other at lunch all the time. We also had most of the same classes together. She started treating me like “crap”. Turning her back toward me, making me look dumb in front of her friends. I didn’t understand why this was happening to our friendship. Toward the end of the school year things started to get better. We started to talk again, but not like it was before.
Summer came along and we didn’t hang out at all. She started to hang out with the wrong group of people, including people who were drinking and smoking. She always told me that I hung out with the wrong people,  but she lied. After I no longer talked to those people, she started to talk to them. I got out of that situation just in time, so I thank her for that.
She wasn’t the friend that I thought she was. We only “hung out “ at sporting events, college visits, showcases and other games. After a while things started to get better again. We were talking and everything was good again, until she told me about a guy she was talking to. This guy wasn’t a very good person, and I told her that. But she didn’t want to hear that, so she got anger with me once again. After I told her that the boy she was talking to wasn’t good she didn’t talk to me since then. I really tried to help her out but she didn’t want that. I will never understand why she stopped talking to me. All I did was try to “stick up” for her and protect her from something that wasn’t good. Sometimes you can’t help the people you care about the most!

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This article has 2 comments.

on Nov. 2 2016 at 1:43 pm
BriannaAbercrombie, Battle Creek, Michigan
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment
Thank you for the help, it really means a lot

Hilalo said...
on Oct. 24 2016 at 10:01 am
Hilalo, Beverly, New Jersey
0 articles 0 photos 4 comments
I really enjoyed reading your story, it gives a great demonstration of friendship. Friendship has both it's downs and ups. I think you might have a grammer mistake at "I told her that. But she didn’t want to hear that, so she got anger with me." The word anger should be angry, I believe.