Gone Forever | Teen Ink

Gone Forever

November 29, 2016
By JimmyMaher BRONZE, Branchburg, New Jersey
JimmyMaher BRONZE, Branchburg, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Everything was fine that day, my friends Gabe and Mason were there and nothing went wrong. It was second grade in the middle of the year. We had the same teacher the whole day but we had different subjects. We start with homeroom. Everyone in the class says the pledge of allegiance and goes to their desk. First period starts which was Social Studies. I didn’t like the class because we had to pay attention and I couldn’t fool around with my friends. “So the pilgrims sailed the ocean in the year 1492, and they had thanksgiving with the Native Americans who were already living there.” My teacher would say in a soft voice. We never had homework in that class which was the only thing I liked. Next period was Math, my favorite class. I was the only one in the class who understood the class but I wasn’t in the class with all of the smart kids because of my other grades. I always had my Mom to help me with my math because she was a math teacher. I’d have to help out Mason because he always wanted to be as good as me but i’m better. Third period was Language Arts and I hated it. I needed Mason because I could never understand why I need Language Arts skills. It was the worst 45 minutes of my life. Fourth period was recess, the best period of the day. I would think off all of the things that I could do before recess. I would play tag and duck duck goose with Mason and Gabe. Mason wasn’t very athletic but he could run fast because he was tall. Gabe and I could jump through things and get around people in tag. Fifth period was lunch which was almost as fun as recess. I would always bring my lunch because I didn’t like the food at school. I always brought a sandwich no matter what happened. I would have a juice box and some snacks like gushers or pringles. Sixth period was our encore. We would have art, gym, music, computers, or spanish. I loved gym, art and music because Mason, Gabe and I could all be together were as in computers and spanish we had to sit in assigned seats. Seventh period we had Science but it was sometimes boring. We learned how butterflies started out as caterpillars and how plants get food from the sun. Mason and I would play around with the butterflies when they first came out of their cocoon. Eighth period was our second Language Arts period. Again, the worst period ever. Ninth period was the last period of the day. We had free time, we got to do homework or we could play board games.

It was during free time when Mason told me the bad news. He was moving to Texas. He was leaving on a school day, he was leaving Friday, my favorite day, soon to be my worst. It was a Monday, I had four days to stop him from leaving. I didn’t think I could do it but I still tried. What I did was convince his dad to keep him here. His Dad was the one who needed to move so that he could keep his job. Four days left, I thought of some easy ways of keeping him, “Please, can you stay?” and “Do you really need to go?” Three days left, it wasn’t working. I need something stronger, something emotional, something to hit his dad right in the heart. “We have been friends for so long why can’t you stay.” I could admit that one was weak. Two days left, I decided to write his dad a letter. It said that there were many other jobs in branchburg that he could take instead of moving to Texas. Last day, I have nothing to say nothing to do to stop him. I need to accept it. It was almost impossible to say goodbye to Mason.

It’s Friday, the last day, the last time to say goodbye, the last time to be friends. I have to say my goodbyes. My grandma loved to say quotes by Winnie the Pooh. This was her favorite, “Like Winnie the Pooh once said, “How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye, so hard.” This quote stayed with me for a very long time since he left. All I could think off is if me and Gabe can still be friends. Mason had left for the airport that morning and so did my heart. I had to realize that I had lost a best friend.

The thing I learned is that I need to get over it, over the sadness I have built up out of this. The horrible thing that happened to me. Everybody needs to be able to get over the bad things in life and to accept the defeat that you might feel.

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