Why I Don't Celebrate Christmas | Teen Ink

Why I Don't Celebrate Christmas

December 16, 2016
By JacksonXu BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
JacksonXu BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was nearing that time of year, the time where joy and happiness is spread around. The time of giving, sharing, and loving. Although, this year (2012), it was quite the opposite. No effort was put into hanging up lights, nor even putting up a tree. I was anticipating all of those activities, since November. Even though I didn't care for the presents, I just wanted the experience. I wanted to be with family and that was one thing I thought we weren't going to have this year, or ever again.


I went down to the creepy and frightening basement all alone, as a 10 year old. Where spider webs and bugs filled the floors and ceiling. I fought hard to not get tangled into any webs or to catch a fight with bugs. And I did that successfully, while attempting to retrieve the tree. Eventually, I got to the tree all ninja like and carried the tree up the stairs and just placed it in the living room. That whole rest of the day, I just waited up in my room and did nothing. I was like the grinch on that day, all down and out of the Christmas spirit.

As the clock hit 8 o clock. I knew that my mom was just about to come home from work. At first she didn't notice the tree when she first entered. She than went on to 'hello' and go to eat or just get ready for bed. Than, she had finally realized that the tree was there and did nothing. I was surprised, that she did't say anything to me. So, we just both went to bed with a warm glass a milk.

The next day, she asked 'We don't need to celebrate Christmas right?'. I stood their frozen for a good few seconds with no response. Than I just saw the tiredness in her face and just said 'Yea'. I didn't want to say Yea, I wanted to say no and just go off into a tantrum of why we should celebrate Christmas. We did keep the Christmas tree up, even though we weren't going to celebrate it.

Then weeks passed and snow came on pouring down. This was the week of Christmas, everyone was off and nothing was open. We were all stuck in the house, with nothing but me, my parents, and my two sisters. At first we didn't do anything for the first few days of, but than we just decided to go outside. We went out, and attempted to build the snow man. Our snowman was the most weirdest snowman on the block. It was super short and fat kind of like frosty snow man. Although, we didn't care what it looked like, we just wanted to have fun.

Afterwards, we had went inside and had some warm food. We had talked like a family. Even though, we weren't going celebrate Christmas. We still acted like a family  and that magical Christmas power and occurred. I learned that even though we didn't give each other things and share things. All of us just loved each other for, each other. We all we like Scrooge after he had met with Ghost of Christmas yet to come, happy as ever.

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