Trying to Make a Dollar Out of 57 Cents | Teen Ink

Trying to Make a Dollar Out of 57 Cents

January 27, 2017
By Bk_savage BRONZE, Rochester, New York
Bk_savage BRONZE, Rochester, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
True Friends stab you in the front

“Dorian, get the bottles,” said my mom.

“Okay mommy, I’m getting them right now,” I said with a hint of attitude. I tied the red plastic drawstring to the garbage bag and go downstairs. I try not to breath so I can't smell the empty beer cans that have been sitting in the recycling bin.

“Hey Steve!” I said, excitedly to the old man next door.
“Oh hey, come inside. I forgot to give you something, Dorian. It was for your birthday.”
“Mommy, can I go to Steve’s house?”
“Later when we're done with the bottles and cans.”
“Ugh, okay fine.”


Mom and I go to Food Dynasty in the freezing cold.

“Mommy?” I said.

“Yes?” she said, looking at me waiting for me to say something.
“It’s cold”.
“I told you to wear a jacket but you didn’t want to listen,” said mom sounding stressed and a little mad. I stood quietly so I didn't make her more stressed out than she already was. It wasn’t my body that was cold, it was my feet even though I had thick socks on and sneakers with the laces choked. When we arrived at the store, we didn’t go in. My mom and I walked towards the machines to get five cents each for the bottles and cans.

“Can I put the bottles in the machine?”

“Sure, Dorian,” mommy said. So I’m putting can after can after can until there wasn’t no more cans to put in the machine.

“Mom, I’m finished" I said happily.

“Finally going to get to eat,” I said to myself.


I pushed the green button and came out the tickets showing how much money we got for the cans. So we're finally in the store looking for a meat to cook. While I'm looking around the store I look at my mom I can see so much stress written all over her face it looked like deep inside she wanted to cry.

“Mommy are you okay?”
“Yeah, I just don’t think we can buy meat today,” she said wiping the tear from her eye.


I acted like I didn’t see it, I knew what was going through her head right now--like, what type of mother would want to look like they can’t afford to get food for their child.

“Mommy, we just get mashed potato’s and something else,” I said trying to make her feel better.

“Yeah we can do that,” so my mom bought the mashed potato’s and we went home.


Steve left my gift on our door step I picked up the gift opened it was all candy.

“Don’t eat it all at once,” my mom said with a strict face. In my head I’m thinking to myself try me. But I actually said, “okay Mommy.”


Me and my mom ate mashed potatoes. I took a shower and brushed my teeth. My mom kissed me goodnight. I turned on my T.V. when she left, I was watched cable for a little bit. I heard a noise that scared me, so I turned off my T.V. and hid under my covers and waited for the sound again it sounded like someone is crying. I opened my door and looked into my mom’s room where she couldn’t see me but I can see her all I say was my mom crying and telling herself how am I gonna pay these bills I went back into my room and back into my bed wishing something will make her stop crying.

“I wish I had a million dollars. God, please God, just send me money somehow. I don’t want my mom cry no more. Amen”. I pull my covers on me as I touch your forehead then my heart then both my shoulders then kissing my own hand then going to sleep. Hoping that was going to happen and all I prayed for will make her happy.

The author's comments:

For all those people that don't apreceate your mothers, you better. In my story, you can see one way moms struggle.

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