Memories That Will Last Forever | Teen Ink

Memories That Will Last Forever

May 12, 2017
By emily_nordland BRONZE, Hamilton, Ohio
emily_nordland BRONZE, Hamilton, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

1. Both my grandpa and grandma will forever hold a special place in my heart. I cried when my grandparents both passed away. They didn’t pass away at the same time, my grandpa passed away before my grandma did. I loved to go to my grandparents’ house. I would have so much fun at their house. Going to the park or just playing at their house, or just hanging out in the basement. They had a rocking horse and a bouncy bed that I would always play and jump around on.


2. When my mom used to live their when she was younger she used to play with these fake doll heads that my grandma had from when she had to practice cutting hair to be a hairstylist. The dolls never had hair on them from what I can remember because my mom had cut it all off when she was younger. My grandma always made the best foods. Always homemade, never frozen foods, or microwaveable.

It’s so 3. heartbreaking and discouraging knowing that I can’t go back ever again and spend time in there basement or going to the park and playing on the swings and going down the slides like I used to always do with my grandpa. The park was in there neighborhood, it was called 4.Village Wood Fun Center. We would sometimes walk there or we would drive. My grandma never had her license her whole life, she was scared to drive and never got enough courage to drive on her own with her license.


5. My grandpa would always be the one that had to drive her everywhere. I would never leave there house hungry, but now knowing that I will never be able to enjoy her home cooked meals or her thanksgiving dinners is so 6. Pensive. We went to Wendy's a lot and got there salads and backed potatoes. They loved to go to


7.White Castle and get there mini burgers and there salty crinkle fries. I never really liked that so I usually got chicken rings. I remember my grandma having a closet in her main hallway in her house full of toys and Cabbage Patch Dolls that I would always get out and just play with for 8.hours and, hours and, hours. I had a certain outfit picked out for all of them and a different bottle for every one of them to have. I would change they dolls around 9. I would go from being in love with one and then being in love with the other one in about an hour.  I even had made them all a spot in the corner to sleep at.  My grandma used to keep all of her pill bottles and her medicine syringes. I would sometimes act like the babies were sick and I would squirt water in their mouth pretending like it was medicine.

What's most sad though is that all those time we spent together aren't going to happen again because now I am grown and they are gone, but the memories are always going to be there and will never ever fade away. I'm so glad that I got to spend so much time with them. I would spend the night at their house every other weekend usually if not every weekend. Staying up late eating popcorn and watching movies. My grandma would always have the best kind of sweets and treats! My favorite kind if snack that she would have was crackers and peanut butter. She would either always have 10. Ritz crackers or saltines. Then I would put a nice 11.thick spread of peanut butter on them. It was so good! I would always sleep in my grandma’s bed with her. She would always let me pick out what I wanted to watch on her t.v.


12. I loved that because my brother would never let me watch what I wanted at home. He would always bet it to the t.v. before I could ever. Her bed was so soft and comfy, it always felt so clean like she had just changed the sheets.


13. I felt like I was sleeping on a bed of white fluffy clouds. My grandma used to snore so loud it would take me forever to fall asleep.


14. It was like I was in a barn full of angry pigs. I couldn't wait to wake up in the morning because I would know that my grandpa would always have doughnuts waiting for me from Baskin Robbins. He would wake up around seven and drive down the street and get them for me when I would wake up. I'm so glad I have so many memories that will last together about my grandparents.


15. They will forever hold a very special place in my heart. 

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