Mom's Rules | Teen Ink

Mom's Rules

March 9, 2018
By Winner76 GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
Winner76 GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Something as simple as hair can inform you about a person. My dad’s lost flowing locks of hair, gone but memories still lie. Getting rid of the bad before the good can happen. My hair, falsely organized into its own place on my head, is a lie. My hair is like a shell, organized on the outside, while a jumble of thoughts running through my mind. The beard is a glimpse inside of the mess inside me.

Jake’s hair, clean cut and ready to work, just like him. Hair,  hard working, it matched his drive too. Down to the second like a clock. , that's how Jake plans his days. Jake’s hair is a identical clone to his personality. Nick’s hair, a wild card. Messy an jumping every which way it desires. A hair’s dream no restriction just do what it wants, just like Nick. Mom’s hair the same for years, just like her fantastic job of being a mom. He hair always there, just like she is for us. Mom’s hair always organized just the way she wants like all of the boys in the house. She runs her hair like she run our house, perfect.

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