My Other Half | Teen Ink

My Other Half

March 15, 2018
By denisa BRONZE, Salisbury, North Carolina
denisa BRONZE, Salisbury, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In my life, I have been walked over so many times. She is the one who stayed. Alicia is the only one who has never left my side. She’s the reason I get out of bed to go to school because it certainly isn’t for all the jerk that hate us. She stuck with me through the hard times and is always a part of the good. I now know why they call it a best friend, it’s because she is the best thing that has ever happened to me. Regular friends come and go but Alicia Marie Whitson is my other half and has always been there for me.

People ask “How long have you known each other?” They also ask “Have you been friends since kindergarten?” We always respond with “We actually have only known each other for a year.” I get why they think that. We know everything about each other. Although we don’t expect too much from each other. Sometimes she will ask me to video chat and she understands if all I want to do is watch Netflix. Honesty is so important to both of us considering our broken friendships of the past. People tell us that our friendship is “goals” and honestly it should be. Everyone needs to get an Alicia, just not mine.

When we first met she thought I was a stuck-up popular girl. I thought she was the kind of person who would never like me. When she started talking to me it actually shocked me a little bit. Surprisingly she was really easy to talk to, considering how much of an introvert I am. There were a few slight pauses in the conversation which were the slightest bit awkward. It took some time, but we hung out all day at our high school orientation. It was nice to start a new high school with a friend and now she’s like a sister to me.

People may think that our friendship is absolutely perfect, although that is not the case. While it has had so many ups, it has also had its downs. At the beginning of my 9th grade year we made some other friends. They were these two girls named Denisa and Denira that at the time were our really good friends. The four of us were always together. Only three of us had classes together which created some tension. If we had to have a partner it was always Alicia and I, this made Denisa jealous. They started treating us like we were worthless and meant nothing to them. In the end, we broke off the friendship because it was toxic. Although Alicia and I stayed best friends through all of the drama.

We moved on. We were okay with only having each other. Although this boy named will came along and all hell broke loose. He asked out Alicia and after she politely declined, desired to be her friend. Since Alicia and I are so close we are considered what you call a package deal. This means if you hate one of us, then you pretty much hate us both. He decided to be friends with the both of us and this lasted all of the following summer. Eventually we realized that he was a fake friend. He just wanted to be friends with us so that he could get with her. That hit me really hard and I felt used. He is an insulting and uneducated swine. Alicia realized how rude he was to me and we ended that friendship. Sill Alicia and I worked through it and it made us even closer.

Currently things are so much better than I thought they could ever be. At the end of 9th grade we became friends with this boy Ethan. He says the stupidest things that make us laugh and it is so great.  He gets how close Alicia and I are and isn’t intimidated by it. He is just a guy who doesn’t really care about anything other than trucks and his social life. It’s great now having two best friends, but it’s even better having one that can drive you places! We are the dynamic trio and we have the best of laughs. Life is definitely at its ups right now in the social terms of things.

Alicia is the most loyal person that I know. I would not be able to live life without her. She stands up for me when I need her to and sometimes when I don’t. She makes every day better than the last. When times are at their toughest she has stood by me. Even when I’m being aggravating.  I couldn’t have asked for a more reliable and understanding person to spend every possible moment with. I can’t wait till we are roommates at a nursing home and we race our wheelchairs down the hall. I am beyond thankful that she gets to be in my life. Alicia is my best friend, my soul sister, and my other half.

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