Basketball | Teen Ink


December 16, 2019
By dsande897 BRONZE, Antelope, California
dsande897 BRONZE, Antelope, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

One of my hobbies is to play basketball. The first time I picked up a basketball was when I was 6 years old. Then ever since I loved the game of basketball. I loved the game of basketball because the math that comes with it and I get better at math and basketball. I have played on a lot of teams like school, recreation teams and much more. 

The best team I have ever been on was a recreation team called the Bulldogs. We won almost every game. We only lost 2 games, which were good games because the scores where close in range and kids scored points back and forth on both teams. I got the rebound and went up for a layup and I slowed down and shot it too hard. They got the rebound and started to run down the court and I clapped my hands very loud because I missed the shot. So they scored the layup. I ran down to get the ball and I went “try hard mode,” which means that you are going to try very hard. So then I got the ball and I shot a step back 3 and made it the hole. The crowd went crazy. So the Bulldogs got the ball and shot a 3 and made it and the crowd went crazy. 

The first game we played other team lost then they beat us the second time. Comes to find out two of the kids go to Wilson C Riles and now we are good friends. Also  the other game we lost was the only time we played, the other team and I remember this game because it was a tie game and then we had to go into overtime.It came down to the last 10 seconds and we had the ball and and they stole the ball and they won the game. And they won by two, and like the other team we played kids off their team go to the same school as me and the other two kids and I. We didn’t win the championship, but we came in second place. We came in second because we had the second best record.

Now I play for this team called Sac Dream, and it is an AAU [Amateur Athletic Union] team. We’re a good team. We had a good line up and more. We got at least 3 wins or more. I expected to get more than that because I’m very competitive. I had to think about it because the teams that we played where the best in the Sacramento area. I was the tallest kid on the team, but there were kids that were 5 feet or more exhausted because they were all short. We won three games in a row that we had, and I was tired. I thought I was going to pass out, but I pulled through and we won the championship and we got a medal.

Someday my dream is to go pro so I can use all my money for the homeless to buy them food and build houses where they don’t have to pay rent. I will also start camps so kids can get better and make their dreams come true. So one day they can have the same mind set, and people won’t feel like their alone

The author's comments:

It was about me when I was in Seventh grade and, Sixth,and my whole life before Eighth grade.

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