Snowed in a slam dunk | Teen Ink

Snowed in a slam dunk

May 31, 2024
By OHans7 BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
OHans7 BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Spring break was here, and we had so many awesome things planned: indoor skydiving, shopping at the Mall of America, a Minnesota Wild game, and even indoor go kart racing, but the thing I was most excited for was my first ever Timberwolves game experience. It turned out though that snow had other plans for my experience. We had gotten the most snow we had all winter, and it was in the spring! This had really made us question if we should go or not. I remember it like it was yesterday, we sat and watched the news discussing if we should go for more than four hours. It took my brother finally flipping out saying that he wanted to go to get us to go. I know I said that the Timberwolves game was the thing I was looking forward to for spring break, but my perspective was totally different. I didn’t even want to go now. We had seen at least over 10 people either get into accidents or slide into the ditch off of highway 52, and that scared me. I didn’t want to risk our lives for a basketball game, but we did, and we would not regret this decision. I want you all to buckle up and come along for this wild ride that was this basketball game.

So like I told you before my little brother was the person pushing for us to go the most, and eventually my mom hopped on board with this choice as well. Eventually it got to the point where everybody was on board except me. We decided we were going to go, so then my dad called the Hilton Hotel and tried to see if they had any rooms to spare left up there, because we were going to try and just spend the night so we wouldn’t have to drive home in the snowstorm. Luckily enough they had just a few rooms left to spare, none of them being 2 queen beds though, they only had 1 king bed and then a pull out bed under the couch. My brother immediately called the bed, and since he was the youngest, he got his way. Anyway, at this point we were packing our bags super quickly and we left the house in a rush. The drive up there was super rough. The windshield was constantly being covered with snow and we actually slid on the road a couple of times. Thankfully we made it to the hotel. At this point we were all very tired but we knew we had to make it through the basketball game. We started walking through the skyway when disaster struck.

We got to the stadium with no issues but we had heard from an announcement saying that 2 out of the 3 timberwolves best players were questionable: Anthony Edward’s, and Rudy Gobert. Karl-Anthony Towns is the other really good player but we knew he was already out because he had to have surgery and was still recovering from that. Anyway, we knew that we had no chance of winning if they didn’t play, especially because we were playing the Golden State Warriors. They are a super talented team and we knew we wouldn’t beat them without Anthony Edwards and Rudy Gobert. The Warriors have Steph Curry who is the greatest shooter in the history of the NBA. We needed Anthony Edward’s to play defense on him. We got to our seats and were honestly super depressed. We started talking and even considered leaving until… my dad spotted Anthony Edward’s warming up and we realized that he would play. Moments after, I saw Rudy Gobert starting to warm up and we realized that he would play too. This got us all feeling better and even started to cheer me up, I was actually excited to watch them play now. Little did I know that the greatest thing that ever happened to me would be right around the corner.

This was the best part of the experience. We watched the first quarter from like 7-8 rows to the top of the stadium and that was still pretty cool just because I’ve never been to a game before. At the end of the 1st quarter my family and I evacuated our seats and as were were going into the concessions area, this guy pulls us to the side and asks us if we want some upgraded seats. I was never more hype in my entire life, because you wouldn’t believe it, but these seats were 14 rows off of the floor and at center court! What made this even more amazing is that this was my entire family’s first ever Timberwolves game. It’s crazy how I went from not wanting to go at all to being able to sit 14 rows off of the floor at mid court. That’s just a dream true for any person that has ever gone to any sports game really. So this really flipped my entire attitude about not wanting to go, plus being able to watch the wolves up close and in person really made me realize how good of a team they really were.

We headed back to the room after we had one the game and I crashed immediately. 

We woke up, had breakfast and then had a safe ride home. This basketball game experience really wowed me, and just to think that I didn’t even want to go in the first place is crazy. This just goes to show that you never know what’s going to happen, so take a risk once in a while and see what happens, just like my family and I did with this basketball game.

The author's comments:

It was a crazty expierence.

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