Foothills and Arsenal Game | Teen Ink

Foothills and Arsenal Game

November 1, 2009
By Anonymous

On a cold Saturday afternoon, right before Trick or Treating, I had a soccer game. I play for foothills, and our apponents were Arsenal. Both of the teams play in the PA West cup soccer division. After, about a half hour of warm ups, the refree blew the starting wistle. The game was under way. Arsenal was a fast paced team with vibrant yellow jourseys. My team, Foothills, is very precise and move the ball up the field quickly. We have dark red jersyes with the logo Foothills across the front. My team was the first to score when the center mid, Josh, shot the ball thirty five yards from the goal. It sailed right over the goalies head, and into the back of the net. At the end of the first half, the score was 1-0 Foothills. We were moving the ball well at the beginning of the second half and got a few shots on goal. Our defense, where I play, was strong, and did not let up any shots. All was going well for us until ten minutes to go. Someone on Arsenal shot the ball right at our goalie. He dove but it was too late. The ball was in the back of the net. After Arsenals goal, we were still able to stop their attack and shoot the ball on ofense. But, in the last few minutes of the game, Arsenal had a corner kick. The player passed it to another Arsenal player at the top of the goalie box. Then the player shot the ball upper ninty into the back of the net. After their second goal we continued to play well unitl the final wistle blew. Arsenal 2 Foothills 1. Even though we lost the game, we were happy with how we did against the best team in the division. We hope we can beat them next time we play them in the State Cup come May of 2010.

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