Best Feeling In The World | Teen Ink

Best Feeling In The World

November 1, 2013
By kendra wilson BRONZE, Salem, New Hampshire
kendra wilson BRONZE, Salem, New Hampshire
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Its the top of the seventh inning Brats and the Dominators are tied. Dominators have bases loaded with their number six hitter up. She's not their best hitter, but she certainly isn't there worst. . All we have to do is get this out, and then we get our last ups. This whole tournament, our motivation has been our fathers.

Its fathers day, we have to win this for our fathers. They come down every single weekend to all the far and close tournaments just to watch their daughters, we have to win this for them. I believe if we give 110% that we can do this.

The batter hits a hard grounder to Carrot, (Nicole, the third basement) she backhands it and throws it as hard as she can to me. The throw was in the dirt but I knew I had to get this ball. I stretched as far as my legs could possibly go, I stuck my hand out and scooped it with my glove, then I just listened and prayed that the ump would call her out. I look at the ump and all I see are his hands straight across yelling safe. Of course I was upset because I knew she was out. Now were down by 2. I yell to my infield “ Lets go infield, nothing gets by you.” They have their seventh batter. She swings at the first pitch and pops it up to our pitcher, Bella. That was the third out.

Our coach pulls us all together in a huddle and tells us that we are still in this game, and that we can do this. I look at my girls and we all have that face of determination. We have our 3,4,and 5 hitters up which is the meat of the line up. That means that those are usually the really good hitters. Bella bats 3, I bat 4, and my friend Colby bats 5. Bella always takes the first pitch, but this time I think she was so anxious to hit the ball she swung at the first pitch. She just missed the middle of the ball and popped it up to the first basement. When she got back into the dugout we all gave her high fives and told her it was a good try and not to worry about it. Now i'm up, all i'm thinking is great there is 1 out and I definitely don't want to be the 2nd. I always take the first pitch too. I take it because I like to just examine it and see how fast it is and which corner of the plate she pitches to. Her first pitch was a ball, so my count is 1-0. The next pitch was right down the middle I swung as hard as I possibly could. My hit went right between 3rd base and shortstop. I was so excited that I got a double. Everyone was clapping for me, it just felt so good. But now Colby is up, she is one of our really good hitters. When I was on second base I could see the excitement on her face, she knew she was going to have a great hit. She makes perfect contact with the ball and it flies to the outfield. While I was running I looked back at her and I saw how big the smile on her face was when she realized that the ball went way over the fence. I was so happy for her. I can't even imagine how good that felt. I waited for her at home base, right when she stepped on home I gave her the biggest hug and told her how proud I was of her. After all the cheering and congratulating we all went over to our dads and told them that we won it for them.

When I told my daddy, he gave me the biggest hug and said “You did great princess, im so proud of you.” When he said that I felt so good and so happy that I made my daddy proud. It was the best feeling in the world to make him proud. He also told me that if it wasn't for me then she wouldn't have hit the homerun, he said I got the rally going. When my coach was giving out the trophies, he called my name and my dad did his special whistle that he only does when he's happy or proud. Right when I heard it I think I started to tear up, but tears of joy of course.

It felt great to win the championship for my dad, he deserved it. Nothings better then hearing that someones proud of you. I ended the day saying “Happy Fathers Day dad, I love you, thanks for dealing with me big guy.” If anyone asks who my best friend is, my dad is definitely at the top of the list.

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