A Dream Come True | Teen Ink

A Dream Come True

October 29, 2013
By kyle gray BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
kyle gray BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The final bell rang and the brutal 3 minute match was finally over. I had finally won the biggest thing in my life the state championship for wrestling. All the long hard tiring practices finally paid off. It was my third year wrestling and the toughest match of my life. Everybody doubted that I could win except for my dad. He was not just my dad but he was my coach and best friend.

I practiced all winter and summer to be in the tournament. I had three matches before the finals and I won all of them. The first two matches were easy and quick wins. The match before the finals was tough but I still won. When I was going out on the matt for the finals I had butterflies in my stomach and the crowd was screaming. The entire gym was full of parents watching a single match. I couldn’t believe that the spot light was all on me.

The first period I beat him with 1 point more than him. The next period he beat me by 2. It was the final period and he was winning by a point. My father told me are you going to let all that work pay off or you going to give up. I Looked at my dad and told him I was gonna win no matter what. The smile on his face made me strive so hard to win that match.

The last period had began and I started on top. I escaped for a point to tie up the match, there was 50 seconds left. It was all or nothing either I win or become the first loser and I wouldn’t settle for anything else. With the clock ticking I went to take him down and it wasn’t east I finally took him down and go two points. I knew the match wasn’t over yet with 30 seconds left. I stayed on top and held him down for 30 seconds to finally take a deep breathe.

I heard screaming and clapping from all over I finally did it. I shook my opponents hand and ran over to my dad. He was standing there he picked me up and told me you finally did it. It was the biggest accomplishment of my life . My dream came true and all my hard work payed off. I could say that I was a state champion. And I knew this was only a beginning. With hard work and sacrifices you can do everything. Tomorrow is never promised so work hard every day. If my dream came true than so can anybody else.

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