irresponsible coaches | Teen Ink

irresponsible coaches

November 1, 2013
By Anonymous

Theme: in all sports that involves coaching has to be organized.

Did you ever have a coach that says you have to be organized, aren’t organized themselves? Put it like

This, a coach that told you that you had a game the same day you had plans to go somewhere .Is your coach truthful trustworthy and responsible, because my coach isn’t.

Housing season: as I arrived in 2012 to the gym of HVAL for practice. I said hello to the staff and

Coach George because I was late, I had to run 5 laps. As we did our stretches George says “does anyone need to call their parent for some reason.” I said “for what “? Moussa Wague said “for the game we

Have today”. I asked George why he tells us we have a game when we aren’t prepared.
Summer season: “keep your head up when you dribble the ball” coach bingo said. Bingo said he was in

The NBA from 1985-88 seasons it is cool to have a coach that teaches you skill that got him to the NBA.
Back to coach irresponsible. I say “bingo I going to leave “he says “you can’t go because we have to go

To the basketball clinic downtown ““why didn’t you tell me this before ““because I just arrangement

Yesterday “. These are reason to show why they are so annoying. They are like baby and they tell us to grown up, but they aren’t grown up themselves.


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