The Balancing Act | Teen Ink

The Balancing Act

November 27, 2013
By Jacob Hudson BRONZE, Newark, Delaware
Jacob Hudson BRONZE, Newark, Delaware
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My name is Jacob and I am currently a freshman in high school. I play a football, and baseball for my school and up until this year, I also played basketball. I also am a good student and get mostly A's and some B's hear and there. What I have found out and I'm sure a lot of other kids my age have this too, is balancing your school work with your sports and still having time for friends and family.

For me learning to balance all my sports and school started at a very early age especially since my parents got divorced at an early age so I had to make sure I had everything I needed for school and sports when I switched houses.

For My parents and coaches and I'm sure it's the same for a lot of other student-athletes is school always comes first. Thats why were called student-athletes student comes before athlete because believe it or not school is more important then sports. I know my parents were really big on this and still are I always have to make sure I have my work done either before I go to practice or after, and if I can't get it done after, I have to make sure I wake up early to get it all done before the bus ride.

If you are struggling with balancing your school work and sports there are a lot of little ways that can help you make sure you get everything done. Some simple ways that you can have time to do school work is when your riding the bus home or waiting around school for practice or right when you get home have some time just for school and nothing else. You can also stay after school and get extra help with a teacher so she can help you do your work. Some kids on my football team would do this they would stay after school and get extra help and only miss a little bit of practice, they just made sure it was alright with the coaches first.

Once you learn how to balance your school work and your sports your life will be so much easier and you will feel a lot better and more confident with yourself. you will become a better student and a better athlete on and off the field.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Dec. 4 2013 at 9:42 pm
JBroccoli BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
3 articles 0 photos 2 comments
This story sure did tickle my fancy! Marvelous Job!