State Championchip | Teen Ink

State Championchip

December 13, 2013
By Anonymous

My best memory ever was the day my baseball team went to ''West Palm Beach'' for are state championship.We stayed at the best hotel ever ''Holiday Inn''. Holiday Inn is known for there delicious breakfast.They have eggs, waffles, bacon, and even soda.That means we are going to have nutrition before the big game.

It was getting closer and closer to the game and I kept on getting more nervous.It felt like each step I took I will get more, and more nervous. It was getting closer to game time.But at the same time I was prepared.

It was the day of the game.My team and I were getting dressed with are new baby blue jerseys with light blue adidas cleaks.When we got on the field the whole team took out there gloves and hanged our bags on the fence.We all were warming up are arms and throwing the ball and catching grounders.

While I was talking to my friend coach came up to me and said ''George you are going to pitch warm up''.All I was thinking was ''Why would coach put me to pitch I pitch slow.All these negative thoughts are were coming to my head.This made me go up to coach and say ''Coach my arm is soar''.He said ''George stop trying to find an excuse for you not to pitch you will do fine''.So it turned out to be a pretty good game I got a total of 13 strike outs I thought I did decent.It was just my negative thoughts putting me down.We end up winning 12 to 8.

That is why the state championship is my best memory.

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