Last Few Seconds | Teen Ink

Last Few Seconds

December 16, 2013
By jamie.o SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
jamie.o SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"We accept the love we think we deserve"

Fearful. Anxious. Pumped. Those emotions filled my head as the bus pulled up to Hart Park for the state field hockey game. My team, ranked second, played the number one ranked team in our division—Trinity Academy, home to two of the state's best players. Field hockey players dream of making it to state, and we’re here.

Stepping off the bus, music blaring, one thing on our mind—winning. My team practiced two hours every day for two months straight and beat incredible teams to be here.

I stepped onto the turf and counted hundreds of supportive fans. Looking at the fans excited faces, my team was surprised at how many people came to cheer us on.

After the players names were announced, we stepped onto the field and began. But the score remained 0-0.

When are we going to score? I kept thinking to myself. Since I was defense, I’m not able to cross the 50 yard line as much as I wanted to. This game looked equal as it bounced back and forth between the two teams. Beeeeeep! Half-time and the score is still 0-0. Our fans going ballistic at this game.

Stepping off soaked in sweat grabbing our water bottles, our team huddles together for a talk. Then we were back on the field, more pumped than the first half.

Seconds and minutes passed, back and forth with the ball and finally Beeeep! The game was over, or was it? The score still 0-0 we moved into overtime.

These last minutes were critical, but as the other team grabs the ball and gets a breakaway, she shoots and she scored. Just like that the game was over. We lost the game.

All of our hopes of winning— crushed. But in the end it didn't matter if we had lost the game, because we all played together as a team and improved throughout the season. I will bring these aspects to Milwaukee and apply them to my everyday life. I help lead my team to state by being a leader. Even though we had lost, I made lifelong friends that I will have forever and learned the true meaning of sportsmanship. I’m interested what Milwaukee has to offer and will work my hardest, just like in the Field Hockey state game.

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