Reaching For The Bronze | Teen Ink

Reaching For The Bronze

January 10, 2014
By Anonymous

Dim lights, loud crowd, the semifinals finally arrived. I’ve waited months for this weekend to happen. After the first day of wrestling I came out on top with two wins and zero losses. Before each match I told myself I needed to win for my grandpa. So what if I place at state this year? State is the battle of the best. It proves to everyone how great you are. Best of all it stops my grandpa from smoking. He told me that if I placed top five at state that he would quit smoking. This bet forced me to train harder every day to get better. I needed to beat my first two guys to move on to the second day of state. My first match drained the energy right out of me. I bled and sweated through my singlet. I worked harder and harder each period pushing myself past my limit. At the end of the match I ended up on top winning it seven to five. I dashed to the trainer. I ached in every part of my body. I had about an hour to rest up before my next match. As it started to approach my leg began to shake. I started to sweat like a maniac. All I was thinking about was how good my opponent was. The year before, he took second place at the state tournament. My coaches were telling me to wrestle my heart out and not to worry about him. I rolled out onto the mat and shook it off. The next thing I know I’m having the match of my life. Thoughts soared through my head, single leg, double leg, and sweep single. I nailed one move after another, this feeling felt incredible. I lead seven to five in the third period. Sweat dripped off my face. While trying to catch my breath the whistle blows again. I suck it up and finish the match strong. Finally I hear the buzzer signaling the period finally ended. I glanced at the scoreboard and sigh in relief. I only won the match by one. I darted over to the coaches and jump in their arms. They shake my hair and tell me I’m going to the second day. Nothing could take this smile off my face. Tears slowly rolled down my cheeks, knowing that I accomplished placing at the state tournament. Rolling out of bed the next morning with soreness indescribable, I arrived pretty early to see the trainer. I stumbled over to the mat and laid down thinking about my next match. He won state the year before. I strutted out onto the mat telling myself I didn’t have a chance. I basically ruined all my chances of winning. Just like that the match ended. I kept asking myself why I lost my third match. Was it because my mind wasn’t in the right place? Should I have been more mentally prepared for the match? Was it just because he was simply better than me? Maybe I just took the guy for granted. I knew I could have done so much better. I have to settle with 3rd or 4th place now. I wandered away from everyone to think about my mistakes and cool down. I cleared my head so I could go into this next match strong. Before my next match the coaches gave me a brief pep talk. This gave me the energy I needed to beat my opponent. I wrestled my heart out to have now regrets. I did it, I won!! Next thing I know I’m standing tall smiling on the podium. I did this for you grandpa I hope it helped.

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