My First Skate Board | Teen Ink

My First Skate Board

January 13, 2014
By kr3wkid45 BRONZE, Mount Prospect, Illinois
kr3wkid45 BRONZE, Mount Prospect, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
to reduce fear, you have to reduce the root cause of fear itself-richard nixon

It was April, at the age of five it was my golden birthday. I remember that specific morning, my mom made an egg and cheese croissant sand-which, which I scarfed down in a minute. I was so excited for what was going to occur later on that day. As much as I hated going to my aunts, almost like a prison; Nothing was better than the thought of receiving presents from the people you love. Later on that day, I remember my mother forcing me to get into the grey Honda civic or she'd take away my presents. I jumped into the car, as soon as my ears grabbed those words with the scorching soaked-heat seats, I remembered I would receive even more presents at my aunts house. . When we arrived there, right away my family welcomed and greeted me. My cousins though, rushing out like full fledged football players hugged or tackled rather, wishing me a great birthday. I looked around the room and in comes bags full of presents and corny birthday cards like on the one my sister gave to me, that read "smell here" with a animated dog on the front. Where was the smell, I wondered? "no smell?", i asked my self. As soon as flipped the card open, a 10 dollar bill showed up with the same brown dog, but this time it said "smells like money". My sister snickered as I gave her a glare. Next, my cousin Anna's gift impacted me the most that day. Ripping my way out of the the burgundy wrapping paper my eyes soon get a glimpse of the most fantastic picture ever. A brand new charcoal gripped mini skateboard with white and red wheels glimmering from the sun shining. I ran out like a jaguar and rode the skateboard down Majestic Street. Feel the wind and freshness I realized skateboarding was a hobby, I would do for a while. And to this day unfortunately I do not skate anymore but my mom forcing me to go to my aunts house resulted in me figuring out that day that listening to my mother was a great Idea and that patience will only help you do better in my life. Also my cousin sparked something in my life that was not only fun but created memories that I would never forget at the grey Euclid Ave. skate park.

The author's comments:
When I was five, I received my first skateboard, took a lot of motivation.

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