Her Success, My Future | Teen Ink

Her Success, My Future

May 12, 2014
By paytoncaroline BRONZE, Spartanburg, South Carolina
paytoncaroline BRONZE, Spartanburg, South Carolina
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
do a job big or small do it right or don't do it all

“Five, six, seven, eight!” “Again, again!” “Pushups now!” Her vocabulary consists of nothing more than cheer talk. She’s been through the all day workouts, the mortifying competitions, and even the never forgetting fights with her coaches. The adversity she has faced on different teams and the injuries she has recovered from have made her who she is today. Today she is the owner of a ring. Not just any ring, but the ring every cheerleader envies, a world’s ring! This is earned by being on the winning state team against the rest of America.

Jordan Floyd has been my cheer coach for three years now. I can remember the first time meeting her like it was moments ago. As soon as she walked through the door her bubbly smile filled the room with extreme excitement. From her bandaged finger to her wrapped up ankle all you could see was dedication, and hard work. Her loud, spirited “Hey y’all” had us all on our feet ready to go.

She started us out with what she called a “simple dance.” My long tired legs couldn’t keep up with her fast paced music. Her arms were so sharp her long blond curls just bounced right off of them. Her legs were moving at lightning speed, her motions were flawless. I couldn’t let my intimidation get the best of me. I had to keep working. The faster she would dance, the harder I would push myself. I knew then her success raised my determination.

After the second year Jordan knew all my strengths and weaknesses. She knew how to punish and reward me. I received more punishments than rewards for sure. Some say drill sergeants aren’t half as bad. If she were able to read minds, I’m not sure she would still be my coach. I wasn’t too content while running. As much as I wanted to quit at times, I knew it wasn’t right. I knew pushing through and drying the tears would get me where I needed to be in order to have my own ring.

Even though Jordan is tough at times and very hard to get along with, she’s also one of the most influential, uplifting ladies in my life. I’m beyond blessed to call a world winner my coach. Cheerleading has always been an enormous part of my life, and now with the drilling of Jordan I take it very seriously. Every day I strive to be the best I can be to impress her. After all her years of cheerleading she came out on top, very successful. My goal is to do the same.

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