Why Not Soccer | Teen Ink

Why Not Soccer

May 12, 2014
By Gavin Rushnell BRONZE, Malabar, Florida
Gavin Rushnell BRONZE, Malabar, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Have you ever had something that you just always want to do? Whether it be video games, sports, shopping, hanging out with friends, or drawing, you just want to keep going out and doing it. Well in my case its sports. Soccer, to be specific. I’m always playing it, always talking about it, always watching it. The weird thing about soccer is how simple it is for a sport that so many people around the world love to play. Many people who don’t watch or play soccer will write it off, say “oh, soccer is so boring to watch, they just pass the ball around and then lose it, and there are never any goals.” Of course, I as a player try to show these people what soccer is really about. I’ve watched countless games with a score line of more than 5 goals in the 90 minutes that they play, sometimes 2 of these goals are scored in the last 10 minutes. How is that NOT exciting? These are just examples of soccer “haters.” To give people the benefit of the doubt, most people will turn on the games that end 1-0 or 0-0. These games are boring to watch, but people will categorize all of the sport into the one or two games that they have seen. The atmosphere at soccer stadiums on game day is just amazing. So if you are one of those soccer “haters,” I ask you to please give it a chance. Maybe you’ll like it!

The author's comments:
I really love soccer.

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