A Step of a Lifetime | Teen Ink

A Step of a Lifetime

May 20, 2014
By Bri Jay BRONZE, Richmond Heights, Ohio
Bri Jay BRONZE, Richmond Heights, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Brenda, I am going out with song friends tonight.” Toby said, as he opened the front door.

“No you're not, you're going to stay home and wash these dishes.” Toby's older sister said.

“Why? Mom and Dad are all the way in Alabama they would not even care.” Toby said as he reached over to grab his keys.

“Toby, I am in charge according to mom and dad, so you have to do what I tell you. I asked you to stay in tonight and that is what you are going to do.” Brenda said as she closed the front door.

“Yeah, Whatever you say” Toby said as he threw his keys down.

Toby was a 17 year old football star. He loved football and he was good at playing it. Toby would spent long hours at the field or in the weight room but he did not like spent time on school work or other important things. Like most teenage boys today, Toby was not considered about making good grades his senior year, instead he was focused on the ladies, and Saturday night football games.

One weekend Toby's parents decided to take a trip to Florence, Alabama to visit some of Toby's mothers family. While they were gone they put Toby's older sister Brenda in charge of Toby and his older brother Rodney. At times Toby and Rodney would do their own thing but they listened to their big sister very well because the know if they failed to they would have to answer to Mom. Brendawould often times give the boys their space and allow them the to play and joke around.

Shortly after Brenda falls asleep,Toby decided to put on his black,blue and red varsity sports jacket and grab his keys. Toby grabbed his keys and raced towards the door. As soon as he got outside he started up his car a took off. Brenda was still asleep during this time but Rodney was on the unaware of what his younger brother had done. Toby drove to a friends house without his sisters permissions and thought he could leave and return without her knowing.

Toby drove to a friends house where he met up with his friend Tommy. When Toby arrived Tommy came running out of the house with his varsity jacket in his hand and both of his shoes untied.

“Man, whats up with you?” Toby said while he laughed at Tommy

“I had to leave before my mom changed her mind.” Tommy explained

“Yeah, I just left my parents are not even home.”

“What about Brenda?”

“She is sleeping

“Dude, you are going to get in so much trouble.”

“No I am not, I will be back home before Brenda wakes up.”

“What ever you say, I hope she does not get mad at you.”

During this time Toby was not able to think straight. He had his mind on doing what he wanted to do and did not care what others had to say. During this time Toby and Tommy choose to drive to their friend Matts house to hang out, but first they wanted to grab a box of pizza.

“Do you have any money on you?” Tommy said

“Only 5 what about you?”

“Yeah, I only have 5 as well and I can not go back home Brenda would be some mad at me.”

“Alright lets go back to my house, I will try and get some money from my mom.”

Toby stared up the car the speed down the street and made it back to Tommys house within five minutes. Toby chose to stay in the car and wait, he did not think it would be a good idea to go in the house with Tommy. When they got to Tommys house, Toby ask Tom to hurry up.

“Go, hurry up, and please do not make your mom mad.” Toby said

“Okay, but do not do anything stupid”

"Tommy walked into

The author's comments:
My Fathers life has been changed ever since

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