Coming to an End | Teen Ink

Coming to an End

May 23, 2014
By kyle gray BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
kyle gray BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It was our second to last game in our baseball season for high school baseball. We were facing delcastle high school we are pretty even with skill level. It was our seniors last away game and they were ready to win. We were the visiting team so we hit first, we score one run in the first inning. They hit in the first inning and score 4 runs. The senior captain brings us together and gets us hype to rally back but its just the beginning.

We keep chipping at the score and holding there offense to a minimum. Every at bat was crucial and you had to do your job. The entire team was ready to go to work including myself. Bottom of the fourth inning its 4-3 delcastle as the battle continues. We keep trying to get the run to tie it but cant pull through. Our defense is tuned in on the field making no errors.

Going into the 6th inning same score 4-3 delcastle we know we have to get it back soon before its to late. I come up to the plate I get walked with no outs. They change pitchers before our third baseman Anthony goes to bat. He grounds out to third base when the pitcher comes in. I’m on second and theres one out, our left fielder nick is up to bat, he strikes out now theres two outs. I steal third when the first pitch to osuar our designated hitter comes to the plate, than he grounds out to the pitcher to end the top of the 6th.

Cj our pitcher and first baseman can’t pitch anymore innings, so I come in to hold them down. First batter I come in to pitch I throw 2 strikes than, I try to throw a fastball in and it slips and hits the batter. With 0 outs and a man on first I throw a strike and a ball to the next batter I get signaled the curve ball I throw it he grounds out to third base runner stays on first. Next batter the kid on base steals twice and is on third, the batter pops up to short stop. There’s two outs and a man on third down one run I throw two straight curveballs for a strike than throw a high fastball and strike him out.

We go to hit first three batters reach base and theres 0 outs. I’m up to bat bases loaded with no outs I walk and a run scores tying the game. The next two batters strike out, Adam is up to bat and hits one in the gap three two more runs score, I’m running home coach sends me and the catchers blocking the plate. I start my head first slide and I drop my shoulder and we collide. The umpire says it was too hard and ejects me from the game. We were winning I was supposed to pitch but I got ejected. Ryan our senior pitcher blows a 4 run lead in the last inning and since I got ejected I couldn’t play our last game, and my season is over and my last play of the year is getting thrown out at the plate.

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