The D Team??? | Teen Ink

The D Team???

June 5, 2014
By Mazman BRONZE, Mattawan, Michigan
Mazman BRONZE, Mattawan, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
" I am the greatest." Mahummad Ali

Ok Maher you can do it with an encouraging tone. Did I just say that or did my dad? Dosent matter I thought to myself. April 27 2010 I wake up Saturday morning thinking oh no its tryouts I mutter to myself, “Maher” I hear in a loud voice ,”Get down here” I rush to the basement and see my dad with a focused voice holding a bucket of wiffle balls and a thin bat. “Ok you ready “ asked my dad. “But Baba” I said, My dad helped me out with some batting baseballs then we got ready to go to the tryouts.

The field was packed full of kids trying out, We all looked like twins because all of us were shaking,sweaty and nervous. On the other hand my best friend josh is one of the best home run hitters I know was giving me some pointers on how to hit the ball right. It was like taking lessons with Babe Ruth,

Then the horn sounded everyone is lining up for grounders as the coaches observe your every move even when you're talking in line they watch you like a hawk watching a mouse. We move on to the batting part of the tryouts I look at my dad and he nodded his head like the hit it out of the park like-you're-going-to-get-a-steak look. Then the coach says “ready” I said “Ok” he put the ball into the machine swoish as I swing I look towards the fence “Where did it go?” I pleaded, “Maher look behind you my” said dad, I didn't even hit the ball.

Then came the end of tryouts they said they will give us a call in he morning the next day I wake up to the phone ring then they said congrats Maher you're on the D team I said excuse me come again they said your on the D team I said yes shouting so loud I gave Japan another earthquake.

Just in the blink of an eye were in the championship and i'm playing catcher the coach gives me the signs to give to the pitcher, then he tosses the ball to me then the batter gave a big swing and it went right into the air I called for it Mine as I knew I was going to catch the ball. , Mine as I thought why the pitcher was not backing off. , Mine as I thought “ Oh no.”. then crash the pitcher and I collide into a wreck “That was a mistake” said Cory are teams pitcher, “Ya think I said to him”as I said in a I'm-going-to-kill-you look on my face.

Then there was two outs bottom of the 9th of course like every other story I was up my coach has been making me use a lighter bat all year and then my teammate Nick said “Hey, you can use my bat if you want.”

then I took a dramatic seen with me thinking in my head and I said “You know what Nick thanks but no thanks because im sticking to Sally” to let you know when I was 8 I married my bat and called her Sally. We have had some strikeouts and home runs but I love my Sally anyways Sally and I were going to hit it out of the park I just know it we will do it I say in my head.

Then the pitcher throws the ball my hands get tighter then I swing swoosh as the ball went right by me then the umpire A.K.A jerk yelled strrrriiikkkke one “That was a ball!” I pleaded but he said “You swung the bat so its a strike” he said “No its a ball then he said no its a strike then he said one more word son and your out of here.” So I just turned back.

Then the pitcher threw the ball again I hit it yes, yes ,yes I hit the ball all I hear was its foul Maz go back I said “Darn” Then the umpire yelled foul then he had a stroke and died no im just kidding but thats what I was thinking though then the pitcher threw the ball all you hear is ching then the ball going far I thought it was a home run so I jogged around first but then it hit the fence and it was still in the park so I ran like I was Usain Bolt and I rounded 2nd the ball was still in the outfield so I was going 3 then all I hear is “home home home” I ran past 3rd and went to home plate then the catcher had the ball so I lowered my shoulder and plastered the catcher and all you see is a pile of dirt.
Then the umpire looks into the catcher's glove and the ball was not in the glove I knocked it out when i blew the catcher up then the umpire shouted he's SAAAFFFEEE the crowd went wild so did too. But I was still on the ground trying to find air then the umpire said hey number 12 I turned back as I was heading to the dugout he said great play then I went to shake his hand and said thanks but as I went back to the dugout with joy. So thats my team yes my team it is my team The D Team.

The author's comments:
Its about my baseball life.

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