Red's Baseball Game | Teen Ink

Red's Baseball Game

September 30, 2014
By Rylee Hershberger BRONZE, Bremen, Indiana
Rylee Hershberger BRONZE, Bremen, Indiana
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Have you ever wanted to go to a Red’s baseball game? The lights, the smell, the stadium, and the food are a big part of the ballpark. You want to get there early because so you have time to look around and get some t-shirts\suvanneers.  When you walk in the grounds all you see is all the fan dressed up in the team shirts and funky outfits. When the game begins you hear the loud obnoxious fans the man’s over the speakers thats in the press box. 

So let the game begin. At almost the starting of the game they play songs for all the fans to sing along to. Like take me out to the ball game. I think everyone knows that song. But anyway I was there for the fourth of July. They had flags red, white, and blue posters everywhere. This studium had 1,000 of seats. Stores everywhere trying to sell suannveers. Food stands every step you take and they prices are outrageous.Right by the stadium they had games for children. When the game begins the loudspeakers were on after every play that the red’s played.

Everytime the Red’s got a homerun there was this but almost like a lighthouse tall thing that shot out hot flamely fire. Rylee and Maddie sat right there they could feel the fire coming by them. Also every time they make a amazing play to save the game they yell BOOM and anything you could imagine.  At the end of the game they WON! After they had everything cleaned up the fireworks started to come.

All you could hear was BOOM, CRACK,POP they were the most gorgeous fireworks Rylee and Maddie  had ever seen. There was a exploding fireworks one after one. Purple, pink,blue. If you ever have a chance to go to something like that I would say you should.

The author's comments:

I loved going to the game. 

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