Ray Rice beating his wife | Teen Ink

Ray Rice beating his wife

September 30, 2014
By WYATT123 BRONZE, Bremen, Indiana
WYATT123 BRONZE, Bremen, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Can Ray Rice be able to play football for NFL Football team again? NO he can’t he got suspended from the NFL for either a long time or for good.

Ray Rice is a good football player, but was abusive to his wife back in February. He punched her and knocked her out cold. They were arguing before they got on the elevator. She already smacked him before he got on the elevator. After he punched he carried out of the elevator, he acted unsuspicious.

Ray is says that he is very sorry about doing in on live T.V. He says that he wants to tell his daughter because if she looks up his name shes not going to see how many touchdowns he scored, shes going to see what happened that night in the elevator. Shes going to see how bad it was and how everything went down. The news director denies watching the video. The Ferderal Bureau of Investigation said that they gave it to him in April and he knew about it and he didn't want to see Ray Rice go. Ray probably could have said that he was defending himself because she hit him several times before he knocked her out. I think Ray knows he’s is not going back in the NFL. He realizes what he did and wishes he could take it back, but the past is in the past.

Later after that happened in January, They got married because they have a daughter together, and they want the best for her. They dont want to have her to have to deal with divorced parents. I think that they truly love each other just they got into an argument.

I want to be able to play still for the NFL, but I can’t - Ray Rice

The author's comments:

I was Inspired about this and stunned because the fact that he is a really good running back. I guess that 

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