Twist Softball Team: The First Game | Teen Ink

Twist Softball Team: The First Game

September 30, 2014
By Kaelyn Shively BRONZE, Bremen, Indiana
Kaelyn Shively BRONZE, Bremen, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

SMACK! All you heard was the crack of the bat and then the blaring crowd scream from a mile away. Those were the winning two runs.

The Indiana Twist softball team played at the Blueberry Festival in 2014. According to a lot of softball girls this tournament is very fun to be in. This team loves softball, adores playing it, and is fantastic at it. They love one another and softball is their passion.

It was this one girl’s first time ever playing with these girls. She had a tryout, made the team, and had no practices because they both got rained out. The pitcher, that was on the team before, was struggling really bad the first inning she went in. In the first inning it was 8-1. The team was kind of upset but we didn’t give up. The next inning the new girl went in to pitch. Nobody scored. Inning after inning after inning. In the final inning, the teams last at bat, the score was still 8-1. That inning they started hitting the ball like insanely. They got up 7-8 and that new girl was up to bat with two strikes on her. Base runners on 2nd and 3rd. She crammed it out in right center hitting the gap. She got a double and hit in the two winning runs. She heard he coach scream, “Att-a-way to smack the ball!! Great hit!!!” They ended up getting one more run after that making the score ending score 8-10. The other team got the last at-bats since they were home team and they held them. The new girl got the MVP for that game.

For the tournament the team, got third place. They are proud of that considering that they entered as a 12U team and beat high school and 14U teams. They even hit off high school pitchers!!! That was an amazing weekend.

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