Softball Girl | Teen Ink

Softball Girl

September 30, 2014
By Scrapper BRONZE, Bremen,Indiana, Indiana
Scrapper BRONZE, Bremen,Indiana, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
i can accept failure but i can not accept not trying- micheal jordan

Can a teamate calm your stress? Can your stress really be relieved by a simple friend. Well a is having maijor stress. She has her teamates and her fmaily but still feels the presure. Sure she considers the team family and she doesnt want to let the down.She has brought the team through tough things and she pitches about 70 or 60 miles per hours.


Well about three weeks ago a pitcher and a catcher that plays for the michiana scrappers, olivia and hailey, were playing against the wavrunners  and then i had bases loaded and then it was full count and i was pitching then my catcher asked for a time out and told me to just pitch like i had been doing and i stuke the girl out and saved the game my catcher helped me becuase i felt alot of pressure since my coach is agressive like alot.

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