The Little Boy That Could | Teen Ink

The Little Boy That Could

November 13, 2014
By Luke Salvatore BRONZE, Lewisville, Texas
Luke Salvatore BRONZE, Lewisville, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It is August 15, 2002; Luke Salvatore goes to his football game to watch his older brother play. He sits around until it hits him, Luke runs up to the up-right. Then he begins to try and tackle it, he just can’t get it. Sadly it takes Luke all game to figure out that he can’t take it down. Little Luke then decides to try and get help from another boy his age, that doesn’t work either, he just gives up.

At the end of the day the one year old boy is headed home after a day of hard work.
2 years later when Luke is three he gets his own football gear shoulder pads, pants, helmet, and some cleats. Luke is set. Little Luke is practicing with his brothers team, Luke gets to run the ball and tackle the other players as they run the ball. At the next game Luke realized he can’t tackle the up-right so he just decides to practice on his dad, which is awesome and so funny.
Another 2 years later when Luke turns five years old his parents sign him up for football he doesn’t know he can only play flag because of his age. Luke was so upset on the first day of practice because it wasn’t tackle. He liked it anyway though. The team Luke played on was the Sooners in LFA (The Lewisville Football Association). 
3 years later when Luke is eight he begins tackle football; he was so excited to play tackle football finally. When he got to the first practice knew a lot of the kids from school. His team was the Marauders, the team wasn’t that great they only scored one touchdown the whole season and that was Luke who did.
As a boy going into seventh grade at Huffines Middle School Luke tried out for the football team. He excitedly makes the B team as a starting running back and a starting inside linebacker. Luke tells his parents when he gets home they are so happy for him. That’s Luke’s life from a one year old to a twelve year old.  

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