First Game | Teen Ink

First Game

November 13, 2014
By Dominic Volini BRONZE, Lewisville, Texas
Dominic Volini BRONZE, Lewisville, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

You’re on the bus nervous but excited. The little bumps and turns don’t disrupt you’re thinking. Your thinking about the game that you’re about to play thinking if you have a chance or not. You get there fast when you’re getting off the bus too fast to think.
When you start to practice throwing to your receivers you start to throw short your coach is yelling at you from the sidelines but you ignore him because you know he just as scared as you are. The breeze of the field calms your mind and makes the crowd sound muffled it seems like the world is in slow motion as you look around the stadium and have a distant smell of the popcorn from the snack bar.
A loud horn goes off meaning the game is starting a shiver goes down your spine as you walk to the bench to watch the kickoff the kick return doesn’t get that far. You get up and walk into formation since you’re still nervous you decide to do a handoff. Your thoughts about the game still go up and down your mind as you get ready to do it. You say hut and hand off the ball to your running back he got a first down in seconds.
Second play your coach wants you to throw, nervously you walk up in formation many thoughts go around your mind saying the worse that can happen. You say hut and quickly get ready to throw as you spot number 23 open you don’t feel anything as you throw nothing but the autumn breeze between your legs.  You shut your eyes tight knowing you did something wrong but then you hear the screaming of the crowd. You look up to see the score board turn to 6 all your thoughts scramble away because you feel proud.
When helping with the field goal you smile as he kicks it so perfectly in between the posts. You sit on the bench watching the defense take part the defense worked great against the other team. When the game took into 4th quarter again you’re up in formation but something is different this time no thoughts in your head no shaking and no slow motion you just throw the ball at number 46 and touchdown. That’s how simple it was but it then started to rain. Few of the people left but most stayed. Just then on third down the other team was running the ball and you were sure about your defense blocking the guy but the mud was really slippery so the guy fell on his own.
When the game ended the score was fourteen to zero we dominated your first game was a success you think in your head. But then you hear next week you’re playing mckanney.  There’s those thoughts again.

The author's comments:

not to be nervous that its meant to be fun and its just a game

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