The Comeback | Teen Ink

The Comeback

February 11, 2015
By Anonymous

My alarm clock went off, finally my mind snapped back into reality.  What day was it again?  Wait, it was the morning of August 4th, today was the day I had been waiting for.  I was getting ready to play in my basketball game and little did I know the trophy would be ours because of me. 

As soon, as I walked into the school in Lansing, I saw the team that we were going to play, I was never so intimated in my life.  We started warming up, I could tell I was going to have a good game because most shots that I took, I made.

“Ball game!”  The refs yell, loud enough so both benches could hear them.
“Come on, lets go green!”  My coach yells.

My coach named the starters, we were out there in our assigned spots on the court.  In the middle of the court, as the duel began for the ball, the ref blew his whistle.  My mind started to race with a possible action plan.
“What play we are going to start with, am I going to do good this game, and what is the other team going to?” I kept asking myself over and over.

The ball was in my grasp, I immediately pull up for a three.  I knew it was going in so I darted for the other side of the court.  I could tell it was nothing but net by the loud cheers of the encouraging crowd.

The other team’s point guard wasn’t protecting the ball, I stole the ball with no hesitation.  I was sprinting down the court with their point guard right next to me.  I knew that a crossover dribble right now would shake the defender up.  I could hear the popping of her knee slam against the hardwood floor.  As I saw the open lane, I took the opportunity to shoot a lay-up, this gave me five points within the first minute of the game.

The opposing teams coach called for a timeout.  I knew exactly what he was doing, a box and one.  After the full timeout was over they went in positions that resembled a box and one.  This defensive play happens to me almost every game so I knew how to get out of it.

It was the 4th quarter we were down by ten with five minutes left.  Time was winding down we were down by two with ten seconds left in the game.  I had the ball and was at the three point line, I could hear my coach yelling “ 10..9..8..7..6..5..4..3!”  As the ball left my fingertips all I could do was hope it was going to go in.  Then my team dashed toward me, the next thing I knew I was in the air with the trophy in my palms.  I have never felt more alive and proud in my life.

When we were making our way around the court in a single file line, I had a mile long grin on my face. Their coach came towards me and asked who my mom was.  I was wondering why he wanted to know, but I pointed her out to him in the huge crowd of people. He proceeded over and spoke to her, I had butterflies in my stomach for some reason.  I thought he was talking poorly about me to her.

“I have something to tell you,” my mom says. Right then my heart sank to my stomach.  As I am looking at her I realized that it wasn't upsetting, but good news.

I remember her words like it happen yesterday.  “Honey, the coach asked if you would like to play with them next session.  You would be their starting point guard and will have a lot of playing time?”

Right then my face lite up “I would love to, I think a change would be good” I explained.  My mom seemed a little happy when I said that, so I could tell she was pleased that I said yes.

That game was the most eye opening experience of my life.  I realized to never give up even when thing get tough.  Also, that someone is always watching so try your best every second of the day.  I knew that when I had that trophy in my hands that I earned it, I worked really hard and finally my dream became reality.  I didn't know it was going to be that day, but I was delighted that it was. 

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