The Eighteenth Green | Teen Ink

The Eighteenth Green

March 11, 2015
By Braden Hammond BRONZE, Elkins, West Virginia
Braden Hammond BRONZE, Elkins, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As I entered my senior year I was full of energy and life going into golf season. Throughout the duration of my year I played to my full ability having a scoring average of 37 on the nine-hole matches. Which was a new career low. My eighteen-hole matches had a scoring average of a 79. At the Big Ten Conference Tournament I came in second place with a score of 76 and the Elkins High Team came in at third place. The regional tournament was in a week and we all had very high expectations. The regional tournament was held at Stonewall Jackson Resort a top 100 rated course in the Golf Digest magazine. Coming up to the first tee I can feel the butterflies start to well up inside of me. Standing on the first tee I envision the type of round that I am going to have. Stepping up to the ball, I close my eyes and try to relax. Taking the club back, I load up and hit the ball. The ball travels down the right side of the fairway and lands safely. I proceed to make a bogey on the first hole. I kept a positive attitude throughout the round despite the two short putts that I missed. The short putts that were missed is what I attribute to my ginormous score. Making my way through the round I continue to struggle and make my way to the eighteenth green. With a putt from about ten feet I hit it with utter embarrassment. As the ball approaches the hole it looks like it is going to go in, the ball hits the lip of the cup and rolls out and I tap in for par. With a score of 87 for my round I miss the playoff to go to states by one shot. Shocked by my performance I put my tail in between my legs and go home. After the round I contemplated on whether or not I wanted to play in college. I just felt so defeated and had zero motivation to continue on. I would honestly have to say that it was the hardest thing that I had to endure. After a short leave from golf I got the passion to continue on. Hopefully with this regained passion I can take my game to the next level to have a successful collegiate career.

The author's comments:

Disappointment inspired me to write this peice. 

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