Under My Tires | Teen Ink

Under My Tires

March 24, 2015
By Potts97 BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
Potts97 BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The miles and miles of pavement roll underneath my tires as I peddle down a long country road.  Miles of fields on both sides of me stretch as far as the eye can see.  The summer evening air is still warm from the heat of the day as the sun sinks lower in the sky.  I continue to truck along down the long straight road that lies ahead of me with music playing in my ears.  I love the feeling of the wind blowing around me as I venture new roads and what secrets they may hold.  Upon reaching a hill I crank down my gears to make the peddling easier for the way up the perilous slope and the rush of air all around me as I glide back down the other side.  Reaching the bottom I crank back up my gears, making each revolution of my peddling look effortless while flying at fast pace.  The scent of flowers from the gardens and of fresh cut grass fills the air as I pass a group of houses all neat and in a row along the road.  A few dogs bark and chase after me down the road, but my pace is too fast for them to maintain watching me disappear in the distance.  I look up and wave at the famers in the field tending to their crops to make sure they get the best yield they can.  The sound of rushing water down by the river makes me long to stop and cool off before continuing on my way, but I resist the urge.  The thing I love most about bike rides is the peace.  It is easy to think and clear the mind of all troubles.  Just the road, my thoughts, and me.  Its nothing complicated, no stresses of the outside world.

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