Disipline/9th Grade | Teen Ink

Disipline/9th Grade

December 11, 2015
By AngeloMunoz BRONZE, Lafayette, Colorado
AngeloMunoz BRONZE, Lafayette, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In this story Hector has had a very hard year not just on him but on his family his dad,mom and his dog it started on March 30,2015,him and his family were being evicted from where they had lived for almost 6 years. One day Hector and his mom were just chilling at his house when they heard someone at the door but they didn't knock,him and his mom where suspicious so they went to check it out when they opened the door there was no one there but then they looked and there was a letter on the door as Hector and his mom looked at each other wondering what it was his mom grabbed it and started reading it as she was reading it her face got even more in shock Hector then asked “what is it mom?” she then replied “it’s a letter saying that we have to be out in a month due to business decisions”at that point they didn’t know what to do so they called Hector’s dad who was at work and they told him he said “well what does this mean,what are we going to do?”. She said “i don't know we have to find a place by the end of the month” and start planning on what we’re going to do with all our stuff we’ll finally the end of the month is here and they have all of there stuff in storage and still don't have a place to live so Hector's mom's brother offers for them to go stay with him and so they did they left with him to his house,well finally there's a house for rent next door so they go to buy it and yes they got it but as they were living there,there dog was unexpectedly pregnant and then one day as Hector’s mom was at work Hector and his dad were just kicking it at the house there dog was acting strange then finally there dog was having a baby they were so shocked that they didn’t know what to do,Hector called his mom screaming saying that the dog is having a puppy well she tried to hustle she went and told her boss that she had to leave for an emergency,so then she left but by time she got home and took their dog to the animal hospital it was to late there dog had survived but the puppy had died,they had all got really,really sad after they got home they went to the back to burriy the puppy but as sad as Hector was he wanted to dig the hole himself so his mom and dad let him after he was done digging they put the puppy in and then covered him back up with dirt then they said a little prayer for him they decided what to name him,they had named him angel because he was so cute and fluffy they then went inside and all of them were deeply depressed and then after that it got even worse after they lived there for just over 3 weeks a new management buys the lot so then they get kicked out of that house so they go back to live with his uncle meanwhile there still looking for a house after living there for 9 months they finally found a house for rent,when they went to look at it,it’s a nice little place for a family of three it has a swimming pool,hot tub,weight room,clubhouse with free wifi and a basketball court well the night that they went to look at the place they signed all the papers to the place still not knowing if they were going to get the place the manager kindly asked them “would all three of you come into my office” as all three of them looked at each other they proceed to the door as they walked into her office they start talking about the house then Hector’s dad kindly asked the lady and said “umm may i ask did we get the apartment” as she looked at us for about 15 seconds in complete silence she responds “yes the apartment is yours” and they got really happy but as she has to leave to go get the lease for his parents to sign,Hector and his family look at each other in excitement they all high five each other and after Hector  looks up at the sky and closes his eyes and prays and thanks god for where he has put them they finally go back to his uncle's excited they can’t wait for the weekend to come because then that means they can move in,but before they move in they have to go get all this stuff done like both of his parents need to get their pay stubs which is kinda hard on his dad because his dad is illegal but his mom is legal and both of them need to give the manager a copy of their ID which is ok because his dad has a passport which works as an ID and his mom has one but the one and biggest problem is that they need to get their dog rabie shots because hers are about to expire and she needs to have them updated in order to move in,and they still have to make $2,035.42 in less than 5 days but his dad works his ass off to get the money he works from 7 in the morning to 9 or maybe even 10 at night and he works for 25 dollars and hour,meanwhile his mom works from 8 in the morning to 4:30 at night and she gets paid $12.50 dollars an hour and his dad get a loan from his boss for $900 dollars. But after all that has been going on Hector finally admits that he is spoiled and he should be grateful for what he has and that his parents work hard to try and make sure that he has food and a pace to live and all that well finally when they move into their new place they make a circle and grab each others hands and pray and give thanks for what they have an for what they’ve got and Hector realizes that he should take care of what he has because most of the stuff that he has some kids don't even have.


9th grade high school is supposed to be some of the best years of your life all though i haven't really experienced that it seems pretty good maybe i haven't experienced this because i’m to busy with focusing on my grades and sports because i know that your freshman year is the most important i mean i know all of high school is important because your going to try and make it to college but in my opinion your freshman year is most important because it’s your first year and it’s just such a big transfer from middle school (jr. high) to high school. When you get to high school everything changes teachers aren't constantly reminding you that you have missing assignments and if you aren't doing your work they don't tell you to get on task you have complete control of yourself you have so much power but i heard this quote one time it goes “with great power comes great responsibility” which i think is completely true because you have a lunch with the power to go off campus and especially if you're in a sport you have to make sure you are on you best behavior because you're not only representing yourself but you're also representing that team and that school your older than all the other little kids there looking up to you because you have been through so much more that they think everything that you do is right and maybe that’s what they should do and it’s alright,personally i play football and i am thinking of playing basketball but i’m not sure because if you do to many things at once it may potentially bring your grades down.

The author's comments:

That their can be people in hard times but it doesnt mean that you cant do sertian things there are these two quotes that i try living by and too give me motivation

"If the skys the limit,why are there footprints on the moon" and what i get out of this is there is always more out there that can be explored.

"Hard work beats talent,when talent doesnt work hard" and this too me means ya there may be people out there who are better then you now but as you keep working you get better and eventualy youll be better than somebody else.

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